学员编号:                              级:五                      课 数:3
学员姓名:                        辅导科目:英语                      学科教师: XX
T 五年级下重点词汇总复习 (牛津版)
Rory: Time me. I’m going to do this cube puzzle.
Rory: Are you timing me?
Stan: March 6, 2009. Go.
(批注:欣赏小漫画,猜猜单词的含义:time: 计时 ;cube: 立方体 puzzle: 难题 cube puzzle: 【魔方】
1. 核心词汇
书架 bookshelf    镜子 mirror  靠垫 cushion  橱柜 cupboard  床 bed  灯 lamp  沙发 sofa 家具 furniture  下一个的 next    移动 move    窗户 window  墙 wall
2. 其他词汇
变化 change      惊喜surprise    不同的 different    惊讶的 surprised 
在...之后 behind  等 wait        记住remember      以前 ago 
乡村 village      渔民 fisherman  后来 later          地方  place 
城镇 town        城市 city        建筑 building      国家 country 
上海历史博物馆  Shanghai History Museum
3. 词汇解析
1)bookshelf(书架) 和cupboard(橱柜)都是复合词,分别由book(书)和shelf(架子),cup(杯子)和board(木板)组成。
3)lamp是“灯”的意思。“台灯”是table lamp,“落地灯”是floor lamp.
批注:light也是灯的意思,“交通灯”是traffic light
4. change是名词,意思是“变化”。
There are a lot of changes in Shanghai every year. 上海每年都发生很多变化。
Are there any changes in our living room? 我们的客厅有什么变化吗?
Wild geese change homes twice every year. 大雁每年搬两次家。
The playground is behind the classroom building. 操场在教学楼的后面。
  批注in front of 在......前面  in the front of
There is a garden in front of the classroom building. 教学楼前面有个花园。
5. ago 是副词,意思是“以前”, ago通常和表示一段时间的短语连用。
two days ago  两天前    years ago 几年前  a few minutes ago 几分钟之前
I saw him three weeks ago. 三周前我见过他。
【反义】 later 是ago的反义词,later可以和表示时间段的短语连用,也可以单独使用。
Three years later, they built a new house. 三年后,他们盖了一栋新房子。
Later, people from other places came to Shanghai. 后来,人们从其他地方来到了上海。
6. village(乡村), town(城镇)和city(城市)是同类词,他们都是人们的居住地,只是规模和条件有区别。
    批注:Fisherman和fishmen的区别在man—men。类似的名词变复数情况还有policeman(警察)—policemen, postman(邮递员)—postmen.
二、重要句型Important Sentences structures
1. Dad is coming home next week. 下星期爸爸要回家了。
next week 的意思是“下星期”。
next month 下个月      next year 明年
    批注:句子中的is coming虽然是现在进行时的结构,但它表达的是“将来”的意思。
    A typhoon is coming from the East China Sea. 台风将 即将从东海登陆。
2. Lets give him a surprise! 让我们给他一个惊喜吧!
He is surprised. 他很惊讶。
批注:第一句中的surprise是名词,意思是“让人惊奇的事”,根据课文上下文可以理解为“惊喜”。give...a surprise 的意思是“给......一个惊喜”
Tomorrow is Lucys birthday. Lets give her a surprise. 明天是露西的生日。让我们给她一个惊喜吧。
      The teacher is surprised. All his students are not in the classroom. 老师很吃惊。所有的学生都不在教室里。
3. —Lets move the furniture! 我们把家具挪一挪位置吧!
Sounds fun. 听上去很有趣。 Sound等感官动词对学生说明下
批注:答句是个省略句,完整说法应该是It sounds fun.其中的It是指 move the furniture这件事。句中的sound是“听起来”的意思。
4. Lets put the sofa under the window first. 让我们先把沙发放在窗下。
We can put the table next to the wall. 我们可以把桌子放到墙边。
Put them in the living room. 把它们放在客厅里。
批注:三句中的put都和介词搭配,即under,,,(把...放在...下面), to...(把......放在紧靠......),in...(把......放在......里)。和put搭配的介词还可以根据需要有更多的变化。如,,in 等。
5. The sofa was under the shelf. Now it is under the window. 沙发原来在书架下面。现在它在窗户下面。
The clock was on the shelf. Now it is on the small table. 钟原来在搁架上。现在它在小桌子上。
The mirror was behind the chair. Now it is next to the shelf. 镜子原来在椅子后面。现在它挨着搁架。
5. Many of them were fishermen and farmers. 他们中许多人是渔民和农民。
批注:句中的many of them 是“他们中的许多人”的意思。them指的是原来居住在上海的人。注意不能说many them。类似的说法如some of them(他们中的一些人)
I. Read and write.(读一读,写出适合的单词,每格一词)10分
A. We have Science,   1  and   2  on Monday.
B. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring,   3  ,   4 __ and winter.
C. You can see a   5 __ and a _ 6 __ in my flat.
D. You can buy some strawberries,   7   and   8  in the fruit shop.
II. Read and choose.(选择填空)12分
(    ) 9. I wear ________ uniform at school every day.
        A. a                  B. an                C. /
(    ) 10. These shoes are nice ________ they are big.
        A. and                B. but                  C. or
(    ) 11. Mary and her grandma are waiting ________ the bus. Look, it is coming!
        A. at                B. for                  C. on
(    ) 12. -- Where ________ the red and yellow parrot? --Look! It's on the branch.
        A. are                B. am                  C. is
(    ) 13. It ________ hot yesterday. The Lis ________ at the beach.
        A. were          B. is... were              C. was
(    ) 14. -- Let's do a survey. Who ________ a computer in our class?
        -- One, two, …, twenty children ________.
        A. has            B. have              C. have
(    ) 15. -- Whose puppet is that? Is it ________? -- No, it's his.
        A. yours                B. her                    C. his
(    ) 16. Miss Chen is a good singer. ________ children like to sing with her.
        A. Both              B. All                  C. All the
(    ) 17. What do the lions eat? They eat ________.
        A. meat              B. hay                  C. fruit
(    ) 18. -- I am thirsty, Mom. -- ________?
        -- Some water, please.
        A. Would you like any juice or water?          B. Would you like some juice or water?
        C. Would you like some cakes?
(    ) 19. Which insect do you like?
        A. I like all the birds.              B. I like all the frogs.
C. I like both butterflies.
(    ) 20. -- It was Sunday. What did you do yesterday afternoon?
        A. I went to the park.                    B. I played football in the morning.
        C. I am doing my homework.
I. 1-8  Chinese, English  summer autumn    bedroom  kitchen    apples  pears
2. 9-20  A B B C A C A  16-60 B A B
score:____________ (20小题,共40分)
Step 1. 思考回忆所学知识点,并将所学知识点列在下面
change也是动词,意思是“变化”.Wild geese change homes twice every year. 大雁每年搬两次家。
under,,,(把...放在...下面), to...(把......放在紧靠......),in...(把......放在......里)。和put搭配的介词还可以根据需要有更多的变化。如,,in 等。
Step 2. 错题回顾
