姓名:_________            家长签字:_________
Unit 1 Where’s my new cap?我的新帽子在哪?
过关单词:cap      beside      between      watch      answer      shoes鞋
behind在后面  new新的  glasses眼镜  under        on        in
过关句型:Wheres my new cap? 我的新帽子在那里?
It is on your head. 在你的头上。
It is on the bed在床上
It is under the bed在床下
It is behind the door 在门后面
Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪里?
They are in your bag.在你的书包里。
They are beside the books. 在你的书旁边。
They are between the caps.在帽子的中间。
1. 区分介词:on(在...上面),in(在...里面),under(在...下面),behind(在...后面)beside(在...旁边)between(在...中间)
2. 区分where is ....? 和? 及相应的回答。
注释: where is 表达单数概念,“一个... 在哪里?”,如:where is my blue shirt, Mum? (妈妈,我的蓝衬衫在哪里?) 强调只有一件。回答用: It is ...  如: It is on my head.(它在我头上。)
Where are 表达复数概念,“两个(以上)... 在哪里?”,如:where are my brown shoes, Mum?(妈妈,我的鞋子在哪里?) 鞋子有两只,强调两个(及以上)数量。回答用: They are ...  如: They are under the chair.(它们在椅子下。)
检测过关题:                            6题对___题,错___题。     
1.  (    )— where is my ball?
        — ________ under the chair.
            A. It        B. Its        C. Its
2. (    ) — where are my glasses?
          — _________ on the table.
            A. It is      B. They are      C. There are
3. (    ) — ________ is the cat?
          — Its behind the tree.
spring是什么意思cold            A. Where      B. Which      C. What
4. .根据图示填写物体所在的方位.
_______the desk      ______ the box      ______the chair
姓名:_________            家长签字:_________
Unit2 Spring is warm.春天很温暖。
过关单词: spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter冬天cool凉快的 cold        hot      warm      dear      people
过关句型:Im from Changsha. I like spring in Changsha. Spring is warm.
Im from Sanya. I dont like summer. Its hot in Sanya.
    Beijing is cool in autumn.
    Whats the weather like here? 这儿的天气怎样?
      Its hot/cold.天气很热/很冷。
1. 描绘四个季节:Spring is warm。 Summer is hot.(Its hot in summer.) Autumn is cool. Wi
nter is cold.(Its cold in winter.)
2. 当具体到某个季节用介词 in ,如:在春季 in spring.
  天气怎样?  Whats the weather like?
回答:Its hot/ cold.
检测过关题:                                 7题对___题,错___题。
(    )1. ____ is warm and nice.
        A. Summer        B. Spring          C. Autumn
(    )2. Whats the ______ like here?
        A. write          B. winter          C. weather
(    )3. Its hot _______.
        A. summer      B. in summer        C. in winter
(    )4. I ____ spring.
        A. likes          B. like              C. lake
(  )5. 你想问冬天天气怎么样,应该说:
        A.Whats the weather like in winter?
        B. What day is it today?
(  ) 6.  你不想让Dino穿你的外套,你应该说:
        A. Dino,you arent wear my coat.
        B. Dino,  you cant wear my coat.
7. 翻译:
  夏天的天气怎样? 夏天热。
姓名:_________            家长签字:_________
Unit 3  What can you see? 你能看见什么?
过关单词:river      lake      boat      cloud        sky      mountain        the moon        the sun        star        say      map        near
过关句型:What can you see?你能看见什么?
          I can see a river.
          I can see a lake and a boat.
          I can see the blue sky.
          I can see white clouds.
          Its nice.
          The town is beautiful.
1.掌握can表示能力。can 后面接动词原型,如:read, write, jump。 I can read.(他能阅读。)
  can't = can not(不能)  I can swim.  I can't swim.(我会游泳。我不能够游泳。)
2.sun, moon是专有名词,前面要加the。表示太阳,月亮时,为the sun, the moon
检测过关题:                          6题对___题,错___题。
1. What can you ____?
        A. see        B. seeing      C. sees
2. I can see ____.
        A. a sun        B. sun      C. the sun 
      4.你想问别人:你能看见什么? 应该说:
   A.  a  see  can  I  river.
      B.  see  I    can  sun    the
姓名:_________            家长签字:_________
Unit 4  Can you write in English? 你能用英语写字吗?
过关单词:in English 用英语 busy 忙碌 can能够  climb爬,攀登  write 写 letter 信 cant=can not不能  read        draw      paint      dance      sing      tell        us       
add numbers
过关句型:Can you write in English?你能用英语写吗?
          Yes, I can. 是的,我能
