那么,“寒露”用英文怎么说? 寒露(Cold Dew):露水以寒,将要结冰。
The dew is bigger and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe.寒露期间,露珠愈发大且寒凉。降水减少,秋作物趋于成熟。
Temperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation, and then it turns into misty rain or fog. When the humidity rises, foggy weather appears in many areas of China.十月间,温度显著下降。当冷空气遭遇秋雨时,空气中的水汽迅速达到饱和状态,然后化作蒙蒙细雨或雾
During the Cold Dew, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine cannot reach deep water thoroughly. Fish swim to shallow waters where the temperature is relatively high.寒露节气,温度下降迅速,阳光并未彻底抵达深水区。鱼儿会游到温度相对较高的浅水区活动。
There is a saying that goes 'It is time to harvest hawthorn during Cold Dew.' Extracts of the berries have long been used in herbal medicine. The antioxidants in hawthorn are thought to boost heart health by strengthening blood vessels and stimulating blood flow.俗话说:“寒露收山楂。”一直以来,浆果的萃取物都可入草药。而山楂中的抗氧化剂被认为可强健血管,促进血液循环,从而有助于保持心脏健康。
什么是二十四节气呢?'二十四节气'是中国人通过观察太阳周年运动(observe the sun's annual motion),认知一年中时令(season)、气候、物候(phenology)等方面变化规律所形成
的知识体系和社会实践(knowledge system and social practice)。
在国际气象界,这一时间认知体系被誉为继中国四大发明之后的第五大发明(the fifth invention after China's Four Major Inventions)。
The Twenty-four Solar Terms is a knowledge system and social practice through which the Chinese organize their perception of astronomical laws (天文学规律) and their relation with natural world.
Ancient Chinese divided the circle of the annual motion of the sun (太阳周年运动) into 24 equal segments; each segment was called a Jie Qi or solar term. Hence the 24 segments are collectively called the Twenty-four Solar Terms.
The Twenty-four Solar Terms originated in the Yellow River reaches (黄河流域).
立春(The Beginning of Spring):立是开始的意思,立春就是春季的开始。
雨水(Rain Water):降雨开始,雨量渐增。 惊蛰(The Waking of Insects):蛰是藏的意思。惊蛰是指春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土中冬眠的动物。 春分(The Spring Equinox):分是平分的意思。春分表示昼夜平分。 清明(Pure Brightness):天气晴朗,草木繁茂。 谷雨(Grain Rain):雨生百谷。雨量充足而及时,谷类作物能茁壮成长。 立夏(The Beginning of Summ
er):夏季的开始。 小满(Lesser Fullness of Grain):麦类等夏熟作物籽粒开始饱满。 芒种(Grain in Beard):麦类等有芒作物成熟。 夏至(The Summer Solstice):炎热的夏天来临。 小暑(Lesser Heat):暑是炎热的意思。小暑就是气候开始炎热。 大暑(Greater Heat):一年中最热的时候。 立秋(The Beginning of Autumn):秋季的开始。 处暑(The End of Heat):处是终止、躲藏的意思。处暑是表示炎热的暑天结束。 白露(White Dew):天气转凉,露凝而白。 秋分(The Autumn Equinox):昼夜平分。 寒露(Cold Dew):露水以寒,将要结冰。 霜降(Frost's Descent):天气渐冷,开始有霜。 立冬(The Beginning of Winter):冬季的开始。 小雪(Lesser Snow):开始下雪。 大雪(Greater Snow):降雪量增多,地面可能积雪。 冬至(The Winter Solstice):寒冷的冬天来临。 小寒(Lesser Cold):气候开始寒冷。 大寒(Greater Cold):一年中最冷的时候。
Plowed on Insects Awakening, the field will be perfect for planing by Spring Equinox.
Thunderstorm is an early age.
Winter solstice is a wind, summer solstice is a storm.spring是什么意思cold
It is neither cold nor hot until the winter solstice.
The grain, rain and wheat stand upright, and the summer wheat is beautiful.
White geese flying over announce the coming of the First Frost.