Lesson 3 It’s cold in Harbin.
学生在三、四、五年级已经接触过有关天气、着装和活动的话题。四年级上册Lesson 8:What’s the weather like? It is sunny and hot. I can wear my dress.五年级上册Lesson 3:What do you do on the weekend? I often play sports. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Sometimes, I play basketball, too.五年级下册Lesson 1: What’s your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. It’s warm and windy. I can fly kites. I like autumn best. Tom likes winter best. He can make a snowman. He can wear a coat. 学生在五年级上册还学习了一般现在时和现在进行时。
1. 知识目标
(1)能够听说、读写句子:It’s summer in Sydney. I often swim in the sea. But it’s winter in Harbin. I often play in the snow.
