1.Look! There ______ a ruler and some books on the shelf. (   )
A.is    B.are    C.am
2.—What do you often have _______ breakfast? (   )
—Some noodles.
A.in    B.for    C.about    D.of
3.There is ________ water in the bottle. (     )
A.a few    B.a little    C.any
4.—Does Tom learn English _______?  (        )
—Yes, he often _______ English books after dinner.
A.good; reads    B.well; reads    C.well; looks
5.Which pair has the same sound (相同的发音)? (   )
A.bear   ear    B.How   now    C.group   shout
6.My brother lost his bike last Saturday. He felt ________. (    )
A.happy    B.excited    C.sad
7.Are you from ______? (    )
A.different country    B.different countries    C.the same countries
8.Children's Day is            June. (      )
A.in    B.at    C.on
9.The canteen is on the ________ floor. (     )
A.one    B.second    C.three
10.The magazine talks about _______ dinosaurs. (    )
A.lot of    B.a lot of    C.a lot
11.I ______ a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. (   )
A.have    B.was    C.had
12.My father usually ______ books ______ Sunday morning. (   )
A.read; in    B.reading; on    C.reads; on
13.What_____Amy_____last weekend? (  )
A.did, do    B.do, do    C.does, do
14.      are they? (   )
—They’re under the chair.
A.Where    B.What    C.Who
15.Look! There is a monkey ______ the two trees. (    )
A.behind    B.beside    C.between
16.It is the last year in our school. It is time ______ goodbye. (   )
A.say    B.to say    C.says
17.—How ______ is it? (   )
—It is 4.81 kilograms.
A.heavy    B.tall    C.much
18.—________ I go to bed now? (    )
—No, you can’t. You ________ brush your teeth before bedtime.
A.Can; must    B.Must; must    C.Can; can’t
19.This is an English book.下列单词中画线字母组合的发音与book 画线字母组合的发音不同的是哪个?(    )
A.foot    B.food    C.good
20.—How do you know that? (    )
—I ______ on the Internet.
A.looked for it    B.looked at it    C.looked it up
21.An elephant is _______ (heavy) than a tiger.
22.I ________ to a forest park last Saturday (go)
23.I _____ (wash) my clothes the day before yesterday.
24.There aren't ____ (some) knives in the kitchen.
25.My mother ____ (cook) many delicious food yesterday.
26.Please speak ________ (quiet) in the library.
27.Would you like _________ (drink) some coffee?
28.There _________ (be) a lot of meat on the table last night.
29.Look! The little boy _________ (cross) the busy road by himself.
30.The lion _______ the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. (bite)
31.She h_________ a cold (感冒) and she went to see a doctor.
32.She always f________ her homework before dinner.
33.The little girl runs slowly, but the little boy runs f________.
34.The policeman is very tall and ________ (强壮的).
35.To ______ ______ (保持安全) on the road, you mustn’t run the red light.
36.I have a pen friend, and we always send an e______ to each other by computer.
37.Zoom: What did John do yesterday?
Zip: He __________________ (睡觉) all day.
38.He runs f____________than me.
39.I'm 12 years old, Lily is 10 years old. I'm Lily.
40.I didn't p_______ ping-pong last night.
A friend’s daughter, Mia, is twelve. She is in the countryside with __41___ grandparents. My friend and his wife __42___ in Shanghai. Mia doesn’t have __43___ sisters or brothers.
Every morning, Mia’s __spring是什么意思cold44___, Mr Li, takes breakfast to her room. He __45___ Mia likes Shanghai food very much. Mia likes her grandfather and wants to do something to __46___ him. 
One morning, Mr Li takes breakfast to Mia’s room. __47___ he can’t find his granddaughter, “Mia, __48___ are you?” “I’m here, in the kitchen,” Mia says and takes a sandwich with some vegetables __49___ her grandpa.
“Dear Grandpa, thanks for your breakfast. And this sandwich with vegetables is made for you. It’s good for your __50___.” What a nice girl!
41、A.your    B.its    C.her    D.his
42、A.am    B.be    C.is    D.are
43、A.a    B.an    C.some    D.any
44、A.mother    B.father    C.grandfather    D.grandmother
45、A.knows    B.has    C.lives    D.wants
46、A.play    B.thank    C.learn    D.take
47、A.And    B.But    C.Or    D.So
48、A.what    B.how    C.where    D.when
49、A.from    B.to    C.in    D.at
50、A.health    B.food    C.time    D.money
How is the weather in Australia? Would you like to know about it? Let me tell you·
It is autumn in China now, but it is spring in Australia. Spring is very nice in Australia. It is fine and warm. There are a lot of flowers there. Every year there are many flower shows in some big cities. Many people go to the flower shows. Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. In summer it is a little hot at noon, but it is cool in the morning and in the evening. It rains sometimes, but it doesn't snow.
