1.—What’s the matter? Are you ill? (    )
—Yes, I have ______ cough and _______ headache.
A.a; a    B.a; /    C./; /
2.In summer, it is ______ in Suqian. (    )
A.cool    B.hot    C.warm
3.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
4.—________ lessons do we have today? (    ) 
—We have six.
A.What    B.Where    C.How many
5.—What time is it? (    )   
A.At nine    B.It’s nine    C.At nine o'clock
6.—I’m very _______. (    )
—Here’s a fan _______ you.
A.cold; for    B.hot; for    C.cold; to
7.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
8.Winter is very ________. We can ________. (    )
A.cool; go skating    B.hot; fly kites    C.cold; go skating
9.I don't _______ any Art lessons in the morning, but she _______ one. (    )
A.has; has    B.have; have    C.have; has
10.—_______ is the kite? (   )
—It's _______ the tree.
A.Where; in    B.Who; in    C.What; on
11.—_______ is it tomorrow? (   )
—It's Tuesday.
—How many lessons do you have _______ Monday?
A.What time; in    B.What day; on    C.What day; in
12.—I usually go to school at ________. (    )
—Oh, it’s not late.
A.seven ten    B.eight fifty    C.two o'clock
13.—Are you ill? (    )
—No, _______.
A.it isn’t    B.I amn’t    C.I’m not
14.—Sorry, we can’t go with you. (   spring是什么意思cold)
A.Wonderful!    B.What a pity!    C.Great.
15.—Look, there ______ a pair of shoes under the sofa. (    )
—Oh, yes. Whose ______ they?
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.are; are
16.Oliver often _______ (have) dinner at home.
17.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).
18._______ (he) is happy! And _______ (he) eyes are big!
19.This is _______ (he) _______ (mother) car.
20.My shorts _______ (be) too long.
21.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
22.I can see some __________ (flower) over there.
23.I don’t have ______ (some) stickers.
24.I _______ (have) a PE lesson and he _______ (have) a PE lesson too.
2re there _______ (some) flowers in the park?
26.How many ________ (book) do we have?
27.Look at _____ (we) fruit salad.
28.The red hat is ________ (my).
29.I like ______ (tomato).
30.It’s cool and ______ (rain).
31.—Are you ________ (生病的)?   
—Yes, I have a headache.
32.Look at that _______ (酷的) man.
33.—What’s the m______ with you?
—I’m ill. I have a headache.
34.I’m t_____, I want to go to bed.
35.I’m t____. I want some water.
36.I can see some birds over there. Can you see t_________?
37.—______ do you like, Alice?
—I like Maths and Music.
38.We don't ____________ (看电视) at night.
39.A: What can you do in spring?
B: I can __________ the __________.
40.How many students like _____ and _____?
Mother and I went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon. We bought lots of things, a hat for Grandma, a sweater for father and a dress for me. Mother also bought herself a coat. Then we had dinner in KFC (肯德基). I ate some delicious food and drank lots of Coke (可乐). We came back home at seven o'clock. I was very tired (劳累). And I had a stomach ache.
41、Mother and I went to the ______ yesterday afternoon. (    )
A.park    B.cinema    C.supermarket
42、We bought a ______ for my father. (    )
A.hat    B.sweater    C.coat
43、I ate some delicious ______. (    )
A.food    B.foot    C.drinks
44、We came back home at ______. (    )
A.8 o'clock    B.9 o'clock    C.7 o'clock
45、l had a ______. (    )
A.headache    B.stomach ache    C.cold
There are four seasons in a year. Spring starts first. Summer is the second. Then it's autumn. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same(相同的) in winter. In Harbin, it's windy and cold. It often snows. People can play in the snow. But in Sanya, it's not cold. It's very warm. The sky is blue. The leaves are green. People there can go swimming in the sea.
46、______ comes after summer. (    )
A.Spring    B.Autumn    C.Winter    D.We don't know.
47、How's the weather in winter in Harbin? (    )
A.It's not cold.    B.It's very cold.    C.It's very warm.    D.We don't know.
48、Can people see snow in winter in Sanya? (    )
A.Yes, they do.    B.Yes, they can.    C.No, they can't.    D.We don't know.
49、We can not ________ in winter in Sanya. (    )
A.go swimming    B.eat ice cream    C.have a picnic    D.make a snowman
50、Are there four seasons in a year? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn't.    C.Yes, there are.    D.No, there aren't.
Hi! My name is Su Ting. I live in a new and big house with my parents and my brother. My father is a policeman and my mother is a teacher. They don't work at weekends (周末). They like swimming on Saturdays. And they like cooking too. They cook nice food for my brother and me on Sundays. My brother likes playing basketball, but I like playing the piano. In the evening, I play the piano for my father and mother. And my brother plays computer games in the study. I have a good family. We love each other.
