1.I have a football ______ today. (    )
A.basketball    B.match    C.table tennis
2.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
3.—________ you cold? (    )
—No, I’m not.
A.Do    B.Is    C.Are
4.I usually play football ________ four ________ the afternoon. (    )
A.at; in    B.at; on    C.in; at
5.I’m thirsty. I want ________. (    )
A.to eat a pie    B.drink some water    C.to drink some water
6.—What’s the matter with _______ ? (    )
—He is ill.
A.he    B.his    C.him
7.The girl _______ a red dress is my good friend. (    )
A.in    B.with    C.on
8.This shirt ________ too long and these socks ________ too big. (    )
A.is; are    B.are; is    C.is; is
9.Winter is very ________. We can ________. (    )
A.cool; go skating    B.hot; fly kites    C.cold; go skating
10.—_______ you like a pie? (    )
spring是什么意思cold—Yes, please.
A.Do    B.Would    C.do
11._______ watch TV, David. _______ your homework, please. (   )
A.Don't; Do    B.Can't; do    C./; do
12.—_______ subjects do you have this term? (   )
A.What    B.How much    C.How many
13.Ouch! I can't run now. My foot _________. (    )
A.big    B.small    C.hurts
14.I ______ six robots and she ______ two robots. (   )
A.have; has    B.have; have    C.has; has
15.In summer I want ______ ice creams. (    )
A.to eat    B.eating    C.eats
16.________ (not drink) in the reading room.
17.The jeans _______ (be) my _______ (brother), _______ (Mike).
18.There are fifty _______ (student) in my class.
19._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.
20.He can __________ (play) basketball very well.
21.What ______ (do) your sisters have?
22.The women in red _______ (be) our teachers.
23.I do _____ (I) homework after school.
24.—Do you have a _______ (dance) lesson this morning?
25.I don’t have ______ (some) stickers.
26.It’s too _______ (cold). Open the window, please.
27.David, can you see _______ (they)?
28.Mike ________ (have) a ________ (swim) lesson on Sunday.
29.There are ______ (four) seasons in a year.
30.Tina can't _____ (come) to my birthday party because (因为) she is in Nanjing.
31.The students _________ (画一些红花) by the river.
32.Tina is not h_______. Her new shoes are dirty (脏的).
33.We have English and Maths on _______ (星期五) morning.
34.—_______ is this in English? 
—It's a car.
35._______ is my storybook?  It's on the desk.
36.We have a _______ (冰箱) in the living room.
37.—What’s the matter with _________ (他们)?
—They’re too _________ and _________ (又累又渴).
38.We have three lessons on _____ morning.
39.Helen likes her new ______ a lot.
40.—Whose _______ is this?
—It’s my father’s.
Kong Rong was a famous scholar (学者). When he was only four years old, he was very thoughtful and clever. One day, Kong Rong’s father bought some pears and put them on the table. The brothers gathered happily. Everyone except Kong Rong tried to find the bigger ones. Kong Rong chose a small pear. Kong Rongs father saw this. He asked Kong Rong, “What’s wrong? I thought you liked pears.” Kong Rong answered, “I like pears. But I wanted to take a small pear because I am young.” His father was very happy hearing this.
41、Kong Rong is a famous ______. (  )
A.teacher    B.doctor    C.scholar
42、When Kong Rong was only ______, he was very thoughtful and clever. (  )
A.four years old    B.ten years old    C.six years old
43、One day, Kong Rong’s father bought some ______. (  )
A.apples    B.pears    C.bananas
44、Kong Rong’s brothers tried to find the ______ pears, but Kong Rong chose a ______ peal. (  )
A.bigger; small    B.smaller; big    C.bigger; big
45、Kong Rong’s father was very ______ hearing Kong Rong’s words (话语). (  )
A.sad    B.happy    C.angry
Mr White is near-sighted. One day he is walking in the street (街道). A strong wind blows his cap off (ff 吹掉……) his head. Mr White begins (开始) to run after (追赶) it. An old woman speaks to him from a window nearby (在附近).
“Hey! What are you doing?” “Running after my cap!” “Your cap? That’s my black cat!”
46、What’s the weather like that day? (    )
A.It’s rainy.    B.It’s windy.    C.It’s sunny.
47、What color is Mr White’s cap? (    )
A.It’s white.    B.It’s red.    C.It’s black.
48、Why does Mr White run after the cat? (    )
A.Because he likes the cat.
B.Because his cap is on the cat.
C.Because he thinks (认为) the cat is his cap.
49、Whose cat is that? (    )
A.It’s Mr White’s.    B.It’s the old woman’s.    C.It’s Mr Black’s.
50、What’s the Chinese meaning (意思) of the word “near-sighted” ? (    )
A.近视的    B.附近的    C.远视的
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Hello, my name is Peter. My parents and I live in Shanghai. My father teaches English and my mother teaches Maths in a primary school. We live in a new house now. It is near my p
arents’ school, so they always go to work by bike. But my home is far from my school. I often go to school by school bus. I have lunch at school too. I have many Chinese friends. We often play games after school. I teach them English and they teach me Chinese. I love them.
