    Which season is your favourite season, spring, summer, autumn or winter? I like autumn best. Autumn is the time for harvest(收获). In autumn I can eat many different fruits:apples, pears, grapes and so on. I can also eat fresh vegetables. Autumn is cool. I feel comfortable(舒适的). I am happy to see the leaves turn red and yellow.   
(1)My favourite season is ________.           
A. spring                                    B. summer                                    C. autumn
(2)I can eat many different ________ in autumn.           
A. leaves                                       B. fruits                                       C. food
(3)The weather in autumn is ________.           
A. hot                                         B. cool                                         C. cold
(4)The ________ turn red and yellow in autumn.           
A. fruits                                    B. leaves                                    C. vegetables
(5)There are ________ seasons in a year.           
A. four                                         B. five                                         C. three
(1)细节阅读,根据I like autumn best. 得知最喜欢的季节是秋季,故选C。
(2)细节阅读,根据In autumn I can eat many different fruits:apples, pears, grapes and so on.得知秋季能吃很多不同的水果。故选B。
(3)细节阅读,根据Autumn is cool. 得知秋天天气凉爽,故选B。
(4)细节阅读,根据I am happy to see the leaves turn red and yellow.得知树叶变红变黄,故选B。
(5)细节阅读,根据 Which season is your favourite season, spring, summer, autumn or winter?得知一年有四个季节,故选A。
2.阅读理解读短文,选出最佳选项。    Bob, Jack and Tom are friends. They like different kinds of food. Bob likes meat. He always(总是) eats meat. Sometimes(有时) he eats potato
es. He never (从不)eats tomatoes. Jack often (经常)eats soup. He sometimes eats meat. He doesn't like eggs. He never eats eggs. Tom likes ice cream. He always eats ice cream. He sometimes eats tomatoes and potatoes. He never eats soup.   
(1)Bob, Jack and Tom are ________.           
A. brothers                                    B. friends                                    C. sisters
(2)Bob ________ eats tomatoes.           
A. never                                   B. sometimes                                   C. always
(3)Jack never eats ________.           
A. eggs                                        B. soup                                        C. meat
(4)Tom doesn't like ________.           
A. ice cream                                   B. soup                                   C. potatoes
(5)________ eat meat.           
A. Bob and Jack                          B. Bob and Tom                          C. Tom and Jack
【解析】【分析】该短文主要介绍了 Bob, Jack 和 Tom三个好朋友分别喜欢的食物。
(1)细节阅读,根据  Bob, Jack and Tom are friends. 得知他们三个是朋友,故答案为:B.
(2)细节阅读,根据句子  He never (从不)eats tomatoes.得知他从不吃西红柿,故答案为:B.
(3)细节阅读,根据句子He never eats eggs. 得知杰克从不吃鸡蛋,故答案为:A.
(4)细节阅读,根据He never eats soup.得知汤姆不喜欢喝汤,故答案为:B.
(5)细节阅读,根据 Bob likes meat.Jack often (经常)eats soup. He sometimes eats meat. 得知鲍勃和杰克喜欢吃肉,故答案为:A。
    Today is September 1. It's the first day of school. Lily wants to go back to school. She wants to meet her friends. She wants to meet her new teachers.
    Lily gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast. Then she rides her bike to school. She sees her friends on the playground. She plays hide­and­seek(捉迷藏) with them. In the classroom, Lily meets her new English teacher. Her name is
Mrs. Green. Lily likes Mrs. Green. She can speak English very well. Lily thinks she is a nice teacher.
(1)September 1 is the first day of the new year.   
(2)Lily wants to meet her friends.   
(3)Lily goes to school by bus.   
(4)Lily's new teacher is a nice woman.   
(5)Mrs. Green is Lily's English teacher.   
【答案】 (1)0
(1)细节阅读,根据Today is September 1. It's the first day of school.得知这是开学的第一天,故答案为:错误。 spring是什么意思啊英语怎么读
(2)细节阅读,根据She wants to meet her friends.得知她想见她的朋友,故答案为:正确。
(3)细节阅读,根据Then she rides her bike to school. 得知她骑自行车去上学,故答案为:错误。
(4)细节阅读,根据Lily thinks she is a nice teacher.得知她的新老师是个很好的妇女,故答案为:正确。
(5)细节阅读,根据Lily meets her new English teacher. Her name is Mrs. Green. 得知格林夫人是她的英语老师,故答案为:正确。
    I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer.My mother is my first teacher.I know how to type,how to copy a file,and how to visit a website on the Internet.One day,mom was not at home.I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net.The first one I met there was a boy called Tom.He greeted me politely.When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools,how to download,and how to send e-mails.I learnt a lot from him.
