Hello, I’m Dick. Look! This is a photo of my family. We took it eight years ago (以前). The little boy is me. I was three then. I was a bit shy. I wasn’t naughty. The man is my father. He was tall and thin then. Now he’s fat. The woman is my mother. She was nice to anyone (任何人). They were young then. Next Sunday, we’ll take a photo in the park again. And we’ll have a picnic there. Bread is our favourite food. I’ll take much bread. My mother will take some milk. My father will take some fruit.
1、Dick is ______ years old now. (    )
A.three    B.eight    C.eleven
2、Dick was ______. He wasn’t ______. (    )
A.naughty; shy    B.shy; naughty    C.shy; cute
3、Dick’s father was ______ then. (    )
A.tall and thin    B.short and fat    C.tall and fat
4、—What will they do next Sunday? (    )
A.They’ll take a photo.    B.They’ll have a picnic.    C.They’ll have a picnic and take a photo in the park.
5、—What will they take for picnic? (    )
A.Bread.    B.Milk.    C.Bread, milk and fruit.
I am Daming. I live in a small village. It's beautiful. The sky(天空)is blue. The air(空气)is fresh. There is a river in my village. You can see a bridge over the river. The water is clea
n. We can fish there. There are many mountains near my village. On the mountains, there are many trees and some beautiful flowers. We often climb mountains on the weekend.
6、What's Daming's village like? (    )
A.It's big and beautiful.    B.It's small and beautiful.    C.It's blue and fresh.
7、What can you see over the river? (    )
A.A village.    B.Some fish.    C.A bridge.
8、Can Daming see fish in the river? (    )
A.Yes, he can't.    B.Yes, he can.    C.Yes, I can.
9、What's on the mountains? (    )
A.Trees.    B.Flowers.    C.A and B.
10、What do they often do on the weekend? (    )
A.Climb mountains.    B.Go for a walk.    C.Play ping-pong.
Bob comes to live in a new city with his family. One morning, his mother, Mrs Black finds Bob is not happy and asks, “Why do you look so sad?”
“I have no friends here,” says Bob. Then, someone knocks(敲) at the door. Mrs Black opens the door and sees a woman standing with a smile(微笑), “I’m Mrs Smith. I am your neighbour. I live next door. Can I borrow(借) two eggs?” “OK,” says Mrs Black.
After lunch, a boy comes to Bob's house. “My name is Peter. My mother asks me to give you two eggs and some cakes.” “Thank you! I'm new here. Come in and play with me,” Bob is very happy, “I’m happy that your mother borrows two eggs this morning.”
“Welcome to our city. But my mother doesn't really need the eggs. She just wants to make friends with you.” Peter smiles.
11、Who comes to live in the new city? (   )
A.Bob's family.    B.Peter's family.    C.Mrs Smith.
12、When does Peter come to Bob's home? (   )
A.In the early morning.    B.In the afternoon.    C.In the evening.
13、Why does Mrs Smith come to Mrs Black's house? (   )
A.She really needs two eggs.    B.She only wants to make cakes.    C.She wants to make friends with Bob's family.
14、What does the word neighbour mean here in Chinese? (   )
A.邻居    B.同胞    C.仁慈的人
15、What do you think of Peter's mother? (   )
A.Brave.    B.Friendly.    C.Pretty.
There are four seasons in a year. Spring starts first. Summer is the second. Then it's autumn. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same(相同的) in winter. In Harbin, it's windy and cold. It often snows. People can play in the snow. But in Sanya, it's not cold. It's very warm. The sky is blue. The leaves are green. People there can go swimming in the sea.
16、______ comes after summer. (    )
A.Spring    B.Autumn    C.Winter    D.We don't know.
17、How's the weather in winter in Harbin? (    )
A.It's not cold.    B.It's very cold.    C.It's very warm.    D.We don't know.
18、Can people see snow in winter in Sanya? (    )
A.Yes, they do.    B.Yes, they can.    C.No, they can't.    D.We don't know.
19、We can not ________ in winter in Sanya. (    )
A.go swimming    B.eat ice cream    C.have a picnic    D.make a snowman
20、Are there four seasons in a year? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn't.    C.Yes, there are.    D.No, there aren't.
Christmas is the most important (重要的) and popular festival in Western countries. On Christmas Day, Alice and her brother David wake up early. They get up at half past six and put on their clothes quickly. Next, Alice looks for her presents in the stocking. “Wow, what a nice dress! I like it very much,” Alice says happily. Then, she goes to see David's present. David gets a red toy car. Finally, they help their parents to open the presents under the Christmas tree. They have a lot of fun at Christmas.
