元旦New Year's Day Jan.1
国际劳动妇女节International Working Women' s Day
(Women's Day) Mar.8
国际劳动节nternatlonal Labor Day
(May. Day)May.1
中国青年节Chinese Youth Day May.4
国际儿童节International Children's Day
(Children's Day)June .1
( 党的生日)Anniversary of the Foundlng of the ChineseCommunist Party 
( the Party' s Birthday)July .1
建军节Army Day August .1
教师节Teachers ' Day Sept.1
国庆节National Dey Oct.1
春节the Spring Festival ( New Year's Day of the Chinese lunar calendar)农历正月初一
元宵节(灯节)the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五
清明节the Qing Ming Festival/Tomb-sweeping Day四月五日
端午节the Dragon-Boat Festiva农历五月初五
中秋节the Mid Autumn Festival 
(the Moon Festival)农历八月十五
重阳节the Double Ninth Festival农历九月初九
传统艺术:泥塑clay sculpture
,剪纸paper-cut,皮影shadow figures象棋chess、围棋gothe game of go
),风筝kite对联antithetical couplet、门神door-god、年画New Year pictures
、鞭炮firecracker、谜语riddle、饺子dumpling、舞狮lion dance、中秋月饼Moon Cake彩陶painted pottery、紫砂壶Yixing clay、蜡染wax printing、中国瓷器Chinese porcelain红旗red flag,旗袍cheongsam盆景miniascape,蹴鞠cheongsamChuk-guk,龙舟节
