英语·八年级下册Lesson5:Babysitting on a Spring Day
本课所在的单元是本册书的第一单元,本单元主要以spring为主线设计话题及教学内容,讨论weather,spring and outdoor activities等话题。本课创设Danny 照顾Debbie的情景,展开教学活动,包含户外活动的语言表达、祈使句、向别人提出建议的句型,以实现交际功能。
短语:for,hold on,turn around,monkey bar,come down,give sb.a push, look like,fall off,get off
句型:(1)Thank you
(2)It’s time to stop swinging.
(3)Push me.
Step1Class beginning
Show some pictures of lovely babies.Let students talk about what they are doing.
导入本课Babysitting on a Spring Day。Listen to the tape and answer questions.
What is Danny doing?
Who helps Danny?
Is it Danny’s second time babysitting?
Why does Danny fall asleep on the grass?
Step3Words learning
Have you ever been a babysitter?
Do you like babies?What do you think of them?
Check the answers and read the passage.
Yesterday,I_______my cousin Debbie.That was my first time babysitting.
Brian came to help me.We went to the__________.Debbie___________the monkey bar.I_____her on the swing.I wanted to________the grass,but she
______to play games.We ran,climbed,played catch and played soccer.How______ I was!
Step7看短片(a babysitter in America)
In order to get a job as a babysitter,write a short passage to introduce yourself. Step9Class closing
spring out 是什么意思Homework
1.Remember the new words and phrases.
2.Make a flier by yourself.
3.Preview Lesson6.
My name is Iman.I am thirteen years old and I’m a babysitter.
Lots of parts about babysitting are just seeing kids laughing and smiling.You know that you can have a good time with them.And I like the fact that I like to help my neighbours and my family members and I get paid.
I really like to babysit Morgen(人名).She brings me a lot.Because we always sing and dance together and we may study together with her cousin.
I started by going to a Babysitting Club.To become a certified(资格认证的) babysitter,I took two-week courses and we took some courses about how to get started to be a babysitter.Becoming a babysitter helps you a lot on your
personality(性格).That helps you to be more social and alive,and you will feel really confident(自信的)of yourself.
When you’re taking care of a child,it takes work to get worried and mild(温和的). My best method to be a babysitter is starting by making fliers like this and handing them out to families in your neighbourhood.And taking babysitting courses will help
you to become certified(资格认证的)and parents will have more confidence(信心)in you.
A lot of time,we are outside.We like to jump over and play games.We play balls,we ran out,just like this.
You can be a babysitter too.If you make up your determination to do(下定决心去做),you love to play with kids and you like to help,you will earn a lot of money sometimes.
What’s the girl’s name?
How old is she?
What does she do as a babysitter?
What preparation did she do before becoming a babysitter?
What is the advantage of being a babysitter?
How did she let people know she wants to be a babysitter and hire(雇)her?
