2. 认真分析,巧填单词
(1) 依据习惯用法与固定搭配进行填词:
如】…W______  his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much. 从句意我们就知道是“在他的帮助下”, with his help.
(2) 依据语法知识进行填词:
如】…It was a l______   earlier. 从句中的earlier可以看出它是比较级,我们应该会想到修饰形容词比较级有哪些词,前面有a,那肯定就是little.
(3) 依据常识的积累进行填词:
】…But it was too late. His friend was very angry. Mr. White said nothing but only one word “S_______ .” Mr. White迟到了,他的朋友很生气,他什么都没说,只说了一个字“S______ .”我们根据常识肯定是向他的朋友道歉,所以肯定填sorry.
如】One Sunday afternoon, Mr. White drove his new car to his friend's house happily. He wanted to p_____   his friend up at five and then went to see a new movie together. 根据句意,Mr. White高兴地开着车去他的朋友家,然后一起去看电影,我们可以进行逻辑推理,他肯定是去接他的朋友,所以填pick.
完成填空以后最关键的一点是要细心检查每一个填空处是否有笔误或是疏漏的地方。有些考生为自己全部填出了答案而沾沾自喜,根本没想到不是缺了一个“ ' ”少了“s”,就是忘了加“-ed”,这是很可惜的。因为他理解了意思、看懂了题目,但因粗心而“大意失荆州”。细心检查,反复回读,就能减少疏漏,提高做题的正确率。
(1) 根据习惯用法和固定搭配来进行填空
(2) 根据语法知识来做题
(3) 根据常识积累来做题
There are t_1  _ many accidents(事故) in cities. Accidents often happen when people c_2_ the roads or streets. Read the passage c_  3  __ and learn to be careful later on. Be careful when it is r_4  __. Many accidents happen on rainy days. People are in a h____5___ because they don't want to get w_6 _. They often cross the roads quickly. Often they can't see c_7 _ because they hold their umbrellas in front of t_8_. Remember that cars take longer time to stop when the roads are w__9___. When it is raining, we must be more and more careful, not less c_10 _.
1.ss 3.carefully 4.rainy 5.hurry 6.wet 7.clearly 8.themselves 9.wet 10.careful
In the USA, there are many fast restaurants. Fast food is one kind of take-away f_1____. It is very p__2____. The famous r___3____ are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s. You only give m___4___ to the person in the restaurant and then take the food a___5___ to eat outside, in the park or on the street, at work or in your own h__6___. Of c___7___, you can eat in the restaurant. M___8_ children like to go to KFC and McDonald’s b____9_
_ they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more A__10___ take-away food restaurants in China.
1. food 2. popular 3. restaurants 4. money 5. away 6. home 7. course    8.Many 9. because    10. American
Everyone has his own way of relaxing(放松). Perhaps the most p___1___ way is to take part in sports. There are t___2___ kinds of sports: team(团队)sports and individual(个人)sports.
B___3___ and football are team sports. J___4___ and swimming are individual sports.It is important for everyone to relax s___5___ and enjoy some entertainments. So all of us should take part in sports and entertainments.
    (A)  1.popular    2.two      3. Basketball    4. Jogging    5.sometimes
    Mr. Smith was walking on the street. A good-looking young woman met him and said, "Good evening". But Mr. Smith couldn't r  1  who she was. He didn't know her. He was much surprised and didn't know w  2  to say.
    Then the woman knew that she had made a mistake because it was very d 3  . So she said, "Oh,I'm sorry. When I first saw you, I thought you were the father of two of my children. "
    This time Mr. Smith was m  4  surprised. He looked at her when she walked
b    5    . The woman didn't realize(认识到)that Mr. Smith didn't know she was a school teacher.
1.remember  2.what      3.dark        4.more        5.by
Most people go to school for an e        spring out 是什么意思(1).They learn languages,historys,physics,chemistry
and maths.O        (2) go to school to learn a s      (3) so that they can make a living l      (4) on. School learning is very important and u      (5). But no one can learn e          (6) from school. A teacher's j    (7) is to show his students how to t      (8). So the students t          (9) must learn much more o          (10) school.
(1) education  (2) Others  (3) skill  (4) later  (5) useful  (6) everything  (7) job  (8) think  (9) themselves  (10) outside
