一、中国古代四大发明  (The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China)
1、火药  gunpowder
2、印刷术  printing
3、造纸术  paper-making
4、指南针  compass
二、中国古代哲学家  (Ancient Chinese Philosophers)
1、孔子  Confucius
2、孟子  Mencius
3、老子  Lao Tzu
4、庄子  Chuang Tzu
5、墨子  Mo Tzu
6、孙子  Sun Tzu
三、文房四宝  (The Four Treasures of the Study)
1、笔  writing brush
2、墨  ink stick
3、纸  paper
4、砚  ink stone
四、书法五大字体  (The Five Major Styles of Chinese Calligraphy)
1、篆书  seal script; seal character
2、隶书  official script; clerical script
3、行书  running script; semi-cursive script
4、草书  cursive script
5、楷书  regular script; standard script
五、六艺  (The Six Classical Arts)
1、礼  rites
2、乐  music
3、射  archery
4、御  riding
5、书  writing
6、数  arithmetic
六、汉字  (Chinese Characters)
1、汉字笔画  stroke
2、偏旁部首  radical
3、书写体系  writing system
4、汉藏语系  Sino-Tibetan
5、汉学家  Sinologist; Sinologue
6、中国热  Sinomania
7、同宗同源  of the same origin
8、华夏祖先  the Chinese Characters
9、单音节  single syllable
10、声调  tone
cheongsam七、武术  (The Martial Arts)
1、中国功夫  kung fu
2、武术门派  schools of martial arts
3、习武健身  practise martial arts for fitness
4、古代格斗术  ancient form of combat
5、中国武术协会  Chinese Martial Art Association
6、武林高手  top martial artist
7、气功  Qigong; deep breathing exercises
8、柔道  judo
9、空手道  karate
10、跆拳道  tae kwon do
11、拳击  boxing
12、摔跤  wrestling
13、击剑  fencing
14、武侠小说  tales of roving knights; kung fu novels
八、中国文学作品  (Chinese Literary Works)
1、《大学》  The Great Learning
2、《中庸》  The Doctrine of the Mean
3、《论语》  The Analects of Confucius
4、《孟子》  The Mencius
5、《诗经》  The Book of Songs
6、《尚书》  The Book of History
7、《礼记》  The Book of Rites
8、《易经》  The Book of Changes
9、《春秋》  The Spring and Autumn Annals
10、《三字经》  Three-Character Scripture; Three-Word Chant
