While 用法练习题
While 用法是英语学习中非常重要的一部分。通过运用 while 用法,我们可以表达一个事件或者动作在持续发生的过程中。在本文中,我们将通过一些练习题来加深对 while 用法的理解和运用。
练习题 1:
完成下列句子,并使用 while 用法:
1. I was studying for my exam ________________ the phone rang.
2. The children were playing happily ________________ the sun went down.
3. She cooked dinner ________________ her husband watched TV.
练习题 2:
将下列短文中的句子改写成 while 用法:
Adam is a hardworking student. He usually studies for his exams until late at night. Last night, he was studying in his room. Suddenly, his cat ran into the room and jumped onto his desk. Although Adam was surprised, he continued studying. After a while, the cat knocked over a cup of coffee onto his textbook. Adam got angry and yelled at the cat. He decided to take a short break from studying and clean up the mess.
Adam is a hardworking student. He usually studies for his exams until late at night. Last night, ________________ studying in his room, his cat ran into the room and jumped onto his desk. Although Adam was surprised, ________________, the cat knocked over a cup of coffee onto his textbook. Adam got angry and yelled at the cat. ________________, he decided to take a short break from studying and clean up the mess.
练习题 3:
根据下列对话,使用 while 用法完成后续句子:
A: What were you doing last night?
B: I was reading a book.
A: ________________ reading, did anything interesting happen?
B: Yes, there was a power outage while I was reading. The whole street was in darkness.
练习题 4:
使用 while 用法改写下列句子:
1. She was cooking dinner when the doorbell rang.
2. The students were playing basketball when it started to rain.
3. I was sleeping when the alarm clock went off.
1. ________________ cooking dinner, the doorbell rang.
2. ________________ playing basketball, it started to rain.
3. ________________ sleeping, the alarm clock went off.
练习题 5:
阅读以下短文,根据短文内容完成后续句子,并使用 while 用法:
John is a dedicated athlete. He spends a lot of time training for his races. Yesterday, he went for a run in the park. ________________, he noticed a group of people playing frisbee. ________________, he decided to take a break from running and join them. ________________, they had a lot of fun until it started to rain. ________________, John went home and continued his run on the treadmill.
练习题 1:
1. while
2. while
3. while
练习题 2:
Adam is a hardworking student. He usually studies for his exams until late at night. Last night, __while__ studying in his room, his cat ran into the room and jumped onto his desk. Although Adam was surprised, __he continued studying__. After a while, the cat knocked over a cup of coffee onto his textbook. Adam got angry and yelled at the cat. __In the end__, he decided to take a short break from studying and clean up the mess.
练习题 3:
A: What were you doing last night?
B: I was reading a book.
A: __While you were reading__, did anything interesting happen?
B: Yes, there was a power outage while I was reading. The whole street was in darkness.
练习题 4:
1. __While she was__ cooking dinner, the doorbell rang.
2. __While the students were__ playing basketball, it started to rain.
3. __While I was__ sleeping, the alarm clock went off.
练习题 5:
John is a dedicated athlete. He spends a lot of time training for his races. Yesterday, he went for a run in the park. __While running__, he noticed a group of people playing frisbee. __Excitedly__, he decided to take a break from running and join them. __For a while__, they had a lot of fun until it started to rain. __Disappointed__, John went home and continued his run on the treadmill.
