外语教研版 2013新课标 七年级英语下册知识目标、基础知识汇总
    Uayon, eraser, glove, wallet.watch whose, ld,mine,youape. purplarefulUnit 2 cameraleave, plane, taxi,why .airport,hundred,thousand,ange, boat, duck, pig, sausage
    Uall, be careful with,wUnit 2 mobila hurry, hundreds of, lUlp sb. (to) do sth.,d【经典句型】 
    UThere is/a2. Here is/aPlease be careful wUnit 2A man is talking2. They are lookingUThey can.. .
【短语归纳】lost and found box失物招领箱 2. be carefulwith小心一…w on从现在开始. 4.in a hurry匆匆忙忙undreds of几百,成百上千 6.look for寻all首先do sth_尽力做某事…从……中
挑选 10. a lot of许多a此时此刻 12. such as例如ave got有
【用法集萃】Whose+名词+is this?这是谁的……?
    2. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事Please be careful with…请小心保管……welcome to+地点欢迎来到……all sb. at+电话号码拨……给某人打电话
【典句必背】Fall, come and llost and found box!
    2. Peopllgs w're travelling or w're in a hu人们经常在旅行或匆忙间丢失东西。They leave things on plaains,on buses and in tax他们把东西落在飞机、火车、公共汽车和出租车上Hundredlvery day.每天有数百人来这里。
Module 2
    Unit 1 plaano. ride, clubboard, well, all .wach,Unit 2art, readaust, ball,game,team, best,dy, sure, everybody, beautiful.
    Unit 3 flwim
    Unit 1 would like. that's all, worry about
    Unit 2 get on well with sb. , ready to do sth_, just lUnit 3 add, givb.
    UI'd like to d2. Don't worry about…
    Unit 2 1. I want to be.。。
    2. dWhat do/does sb. do?
    【短语归纳】abl乒乓球 2. get on well With sb与某人相处融洽laano弹钢琴 4. what about.. .……怎么样worry about担心…… 6. new term新学期be good at擅长 8. fly a kite放风筝at's all仅此而已 10. just like正如,正像ady to do sth.乐于做某事
【用法集萃】what/how about+动词一ing形式 做……怎么样
    2. would like to+do sth. 愿意做某事+to do sth. 承诺做某事lay+球类名词 打…球lay+the+乐器名词 演奏……乐器do+v. -ing 做 
【典句必背】I'd lusic Club because I can plaa我想加人音乐俱乐部是因为我会弹钢琴
    2. Don't worry abou不要担心汉语I get on well with everyone,classmates and tea我和每个人相处得都很好,无论是同学还是老师。I want to be the P我想成为体育班长。Ildo cleaningat home…在家我经常帮助妈妈打扫卫生
Module 3
    Uusewlse, nobody, ag, silly, fantaUnit 2 forward. falawlf, during, May,lag’walk, coud’collect。lun, camp,Austral-ian sightseeing,beach
    Unit 3 early
    Unit 1 go over, have adwa movie
    Unit 2 look forward to, madlf, May Day, take a walk, summer holiday, go sightseeing
    UI'm going to d2. Who else is ?
Unit 2 I'm looking
【短语归纳】ave a picnic去野餐 2ail 查收我的电子邮go over复习undag 在周日上午a movie看电影ark 在公园里ave a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 8. mads 交朋友ummer holiday暑假 10. go on a summer camp 参加夏令营ake a walk散步’ 12. go for a walk 散步
【用法集萃】I'm going to 十动词原形我将要……
    2, look forward to+动词一ing形式期待……ave fun (in) doing…做……很高兴go+V. -ing 去……lf 过得愉快I hope+that从句 我希望……
【典句必背】I'm goinga mova下午我要去看一场电影。
    2. What are your plaweekend?你周末的计划是什么?I'm looking forwardball maw.我正期待着明天的足球比赛。Usually I spend the summer holiday at home…我通常在家过暑假……
Module 4
    Ualk, ruler, carry, change, everything, future. ld, will,maybe, ask, quby, level, ablUnit 2 t
rue, bap, everywlong, heavy, light,easy, working, hou【常考短语】
    Uuture, be able to, ask but also, as well vb编程基础知识单词
Unit 3 play with
    2.In 20 years'aybwon't bTeachers
Unit 2 What will life be like.. .?
【短语归纳】uture 将来 2. at home 在家20 years' time 20年之后I在网络上
    5.be sure 确定 6. be able to 能够a lot of 许多空余时间ue 成为现实 10. a small plane一架小型飞机all year 一整年 12. as well也
【用法集萃】be able to+动词原形 能够……
    2a不再……ly... but also… 不仅……而且…
【典句必背】Will schools be duture, Daming?大明.将来的学校会有所不同吗?
    2. They can aachers quby Ilail.
    他们可以通过因特网、电话或问老师问题uters won't be able to do that.电脑将不能做那个The sea level will rise as well.海平面也将会上升。
Module 5
    Unit 1 market. supermarket, biscuit.lawb,take. maainly, sallUnit 2 advantage, anyone, anything, anyware, paduve, safe, several, onlg, way, allater. out, ov【常考短语】
    Unit 1 would like to do, what colour. whawait a minuw much
    Unit 2 pa…, one day
    Unit as one can. and so on
    Uan I help you?=What can I du?
    Unit 2 one of+ the+形容词的最高级+可数名词的复数形式
【短语归纳】's Day 在母亲节 2. what colour什么颜 ---…怎么样试穿look at 看……uch太多wait a minute 等一等 8. half price半价ay for 支付 10Internet在因特网上a few days later 几天之后 12的价格day 某一天 14.at any time在任何时候
    1.? ……什么颐?
    2. Wha? ……的价格是多少?bub. 给某人买某物
    【典句必背】What can I du?我能为你做点什么?
    2. I'd like to buy a T-um.我想给妈妈买一件T恤衫。verything is hal所有的东西都是半价u can buy almost everythingInternet…在网上你几乎可以买所有东西…dawill ga…将来某一天没有一个人再去商店了…
Module 6
    Unit 1 bank, museum, along, aurist, excuurn,third,guidebook, bght, could, underground, take
    Unit 2 tour, square, famous, paintingabove, river, clear,
    bridge, railway, past, church, higUnit 3 up, dow【常考短语】
    Uurn lleft
Unit 2 welddle of
Unit 3 walk up, learn abou【经典句型】
    Uan you tellwa?
    2.Why ?
【短语归纳】left/right 在左边/右边 2. and …在…和…(两者)之间在……的前面 4.turn right/left 向右/左转way to… 去……的路 6. get to 到达v在那边ddle of… 在……的中间a clear day 在晴朗的一天 10. by boat 乘船get getoff 下(飞机、车、船等) 12.next to 靠近,紧挨着dg 买东西 14. learn about 了解de of… 在……的另一边
【用法集萃】best way to do sth.做某事的最好办法
    2way to…在去...的路上urn right/l…右/左转进人……ght/l在…的右/左边welcome to…欢迎来到How do I g?我该怎样才能到达....?
【典句必背】an you tellway to Wangfujing Dajie? 你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗?
    2. Why not aliceman ov? 为什么不问一下那边的普察呢?
    3.…just along Xi 只沿着西长安街走,在右边,银行对面。Londur right. ……伦教眼在你的右面u caLondon on a clear day.在晴朗的日子里,大部分伦教市尽收眼底。When you are tired, the best waLondon is by boa当你走累了,游览伦敦的最好方式便是乘船Gboat at Tower Bridge.在塔桥下船
Module 7
    Unit 1 bdly, primary, town. US, villaggood. difficult
    Unit 2 babedroom, garden, east, coast, agbored. presidable. lake, last
    Unit 1 be bal. bwith. be friendlUnit 2 lgo back
    UI was b2. She wabut vUnit 2 1. There were lgs to do.。.
    2. One day
【短语归纳】be born 出生 2. in。small villag。 在一个小村庄里月a … …的名字4. youacher 你的第一位老师be friendly 友好的 6. be like 什么样vie theaters 电形院 8. old family houses。 故居avourite movie stars 我最喜爱的电形明星
    10. the la最后一次
【用法集萃】bwith sb. 对某人严格 b对某事严格
    2. What be+ sb. +like? 某人是什么样的人?There were lgs to do. 有许多可做的事情It is/was+adj. +to do sth. 做某事是……x k B【典句必背】
    1.I was born in a small village. 我出生在一个小村庄里.
    2. She wabut v她很严格.但是人很好was a big garden with l有一个有许多树的大花园…….l wala2010…我最后一次在那里是2010年。
    5…I`m boking forwardgds again.……我正期待F-1再次见到的朋
Module 8
    Unit 1 hair, goldupon, decide, badalost, around, little, towarddoor. nobody, answer, pubowl. hungry, rigUnit 2 middlbed, aslu# shout, jump, with-out
    Unit 3 part
    Uupon a time. decide to d/at the door, IUnit 2 be aslat
    Udecided2. Goldild the house and looked into a smallUnit 2 There's the bad girl!
【短语归纳】upon a time 从前 2. go for a walk 去散步again and again 一次又一次 4. be lost 迷路up 捡起,拾起 6. be asleep 入睡a起初door 敲门 8. look around 环顾四周 以……开头 10. change into 变成
【用法集萃】decide to+do sth. 决定做某事
    2b. +do/doing sth. 注意到某人(在)做某事+doing sth. 完成做某事without+动词-ing形式…
【典句必背】decided to go for a walark wba她决定t着篮子去公园里散步。
    2. Td a 然后,她看到了一所小房子……
    3.…didgo for a walalone?
    ……她经常独自在森林里散步吗?It waabl它也不舒服。All around the worldllldren fairy tal在世界各地,妈妈们都给她们的孩子讲童话故事。
Module 9
    Unit 1 March, April.June,]uly, Augubber. November, Drcember ,wal, newspaper ,exact ,date,bUnit 2 plaarry, successful. work. builddlanguage
    Unit 1 at the age of, be famouUnit 2 marry sb., succeed in doingUnit 3 be worth doing sth.
    Unit 1 He ll and began work at the age of 12.
    Unit 2 He became a successful actor and began to write plays。
【短语归纳】National Day国庆节 2. find out查明,了解at the age of 在…岁时anuary 在1月份be bon, 出生于…. 6. begin to do。开始做某事learn to do sth.,学习做某事8. decide to do sth. 决定做某事
【用法集萃】be famous for+原因 以….而闻名
    2. succeed in doing sth 成功做某事be worth doing sth. 值得做某事be famous as+职业 作为……而闻名
    【典句必背】g Festivalanuary or February. 春节在一月或二月。
    2. He ll and began work at the age of 12.
    他12岁时离开学校开始工作He decided to be an actor. 他决定成为一名演员。u can stilllaglish and in malanguag你仍然可以看到英语和其他许多语言的他的戏剧。He's famous around the world. 他在全世界都很有名。
Module 10
    Unit 1 Paguess, excited. wow
    Unit 2 arrive,relax,world-famous,Fllll, ligwonderful plane
    Uliday, how long, movie stars
Unit 2 by plane, such as
Unit 3 bd in, play with
    UHow long did.. .?
    2. Then our friends met us and drove uUnit 2 1. We wd so…
    2. Tg we took a walk.
【短语归纳】liday 度假 2. two years ago 两年前w long 多长时间 4. movie stars 电影明星Pa
an 在太平洋里 6. by plane 乘飞机day bday 前天 8. at home在家uch as, 例如 10. take a walk散步buy au 给你买一份礼物 12. dg 购物all 首先 14. all day一整天
【用法集萃】How long did ta?....花费多长时间?
    2. ta… …..给…拍照
【典句必背】How long did it take to g?到那里花了多长时间?
    2.…our friends met us and drove u……我们的朋友去接我们并开车带我们去了他们家Did you see any movie stars?你见到一些电影明星7吗?and I arrived by plane the day bday.珍妮和我是前天乘飞机到达的.
Module 11
    Unit 1 bowake, smile, BGerman, Japanese. Russian. vRussia. what, nod,head, hug, each, India. toguUnit 2 fingleg. mouth, bodgal. arm, holdve, Britain, polwhere, wave, fact. rude
    Unit 3 bring
    Uake hands with sb. eaUnit 2 not at all. in fact
    Unit 1 Wake hands and smile wUnit 2But in Britain many people don't lle to touat all.
    2. In fact, it's very rude! 
【短语归纳】d one's head 点头 2. shake hands握手at school 在学校三次duntries 在不同的国家6. hug ea互相拥抱around the world 全世界 8. talk to…和……交谈ve away 搬开,搬走 10at all一点儿也不look at 看…… 12. wave to向……挥手act事实上准时
【用法集萃】ake hands with…和……握手------
    2…太……而不能……wb. =show sb. sth.给某人展示某物
【典句必背】Wake hands and smile when we meet v当我们会见参观者的时候我们中国人经常握手并微笑……
    2. In India people puands together and nodad在印度,人们把手放在一起并且点头。Gival space.给他们更多的私人空间。u can't move away!……所以你不能动!But in Britain m
any people don't lle to touat all.
    6.…it isn't polite to look at people when you tal你说话的时候看着别人是不礼貌的……In fact, it's very rude!事实上,那是很粗鲁的!
Module 12
    Unit 1 lively, modund, violin, Wby, through,
    ba , voice, drum, believe 
    Unit 2 musiciauropean, classicalury, elder, walaUnit 3 sad
    Unit 1 Beijing opera, play the violin, both….and..
Unit around
    Unit 3 bd in, play with
    UIs this by…?
    2.Give us a break!
    Unit 2 make sb. +adj.
    1、Wstern music 西方音乐 2. be sure 确定be born 出生于 4. a beautiful city 一个美丽的城市Beijing opera 京剧…的中心 around 带领……参观 8.giv举办音乐会
【用法集萃】ake ab.+adj. 使某人……
    2. hear sb. do/doing sth.听到某人做/正在做某事
    【典句必背】Give us a break! 让我们休息一下!
    2. His dance music made him famous all over Eu他的舞曲使他闻名于全欧洲。
    3.…he played not onlano but also the viol…他不仅弹钢琴,还拉小提琴。People all over the world waTV andu自全世界的人们在电视上观看并欣赏音乐
