摘  要

个人网页设计模板html免费With the rapid development of today's education informatization and education in colleges and universities information system construction, teachers and students mutual system as an important component of university educational administration management system and arises at the historic moment. The traditional teacher-student mutual go through four stages: the teacher write the title, copy paper, arrangement and evaluation, collection and evaluation. This is a long and complicated process, in the information increasingly development today has more and more don't need this kind of evaluation model. The traditional teacher-student mutual system precisely because of these deficiencies and no longer meets the needs of rapid development of modern education. So to design a set of use existing school of computing hardware, software and Internet resources to achieve paperless teacher-student mutual system is necessary and feasible. 
By using computer to realize mutual between teachers and students, the implementation of
modern education technology has an important practical significance. The practice of the system can mass mutual between teachers and students, timely reflect the class situation, realize mutual timeliness, objectivity and former, to reduce the work intensity of teachers, can realize full automation management, mutual can effectively use of campus network computer hardware and software resources, make its maximum effect, better service for school teaching, scientific research and management.
Computer mutual system is an extension of the traditional mutual system, it can use the computer infinite vast space, and combined with the use of Mysql database technology, greatly simplifies the traditional mutual process, automate the mutual.
