Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?
Part 1 Words and Expressions
do /duː/         (第三人称单数形式does /dʌz/)  aux v. 用于构成否定句和疑问句v. 做;干
have /hæv/              v.
tennis /'tenɪs/             n. 网球
ball /bɔːl/                 n.
ping-pong /'pɪŋpɔŋ/         n. 乒乓球
bat /bæt/                 n. 球棒;球拍
soccer /'sɒkə(r)/             n. (英式)足球
soccer ball              (英式)足球
volleyball /'vɒlibɔːl/         n. 排球
basketball /'bɑːskɪtbɔːl/     n. 篮球
hey /heɪ                interj. 嘿;喂
let /let/                  v. 允许;让
us /ʌs/                    pron. (we的宾格)我们
let’s = let us              让我们(一起)
go /gəʊ/                 v. 去;走
we /wiː/                 pron. 我们
late /leɪt/                 adj. 迟到
has /hæz/                 v. (have的第三人称单数形式) 有
get /get/                 v. 去取(或带来);得到
great /greɪt/                 adj. 美妙的;伟大的
play /pleɪ/                 v. 参加(比赛或运动);玩耍
sound /saʊnd/             v. 听起来好像
interesting /'ɪntrəstɪŋ/     adj. 有趣的
boring /'bɔːrɪŋ/            adj. 没趣的;令人厌倦的
fun /fʌn/                 adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的    n. 乐趣;快乐
difficult /'dɪfɪkəlt/         adj. 困难的
relaxing /rɪ'læksɪŋ/         adj. 轻松的;令人放松的
watch /wɒtʃ            v. 注视;观看
TV /,tiː'viː/                 n. (=television /'telɪvɪʒn/)电视;电视机
watch TV                看电视
same /seɪm/             adj. 相同的
love /lʌv/                 v. & n. 爱;喜爱
with /wɪð/                 prep.  和……在一起;带有;使用
soccer ball
sport /spɔː(r)t/          n. 体育运动
them /ðəm/              pron. (they的宾格)  他(她、它)们
only /'əʊnli/              adv. 只;仅
like /laɪk/                 v. 喜欢;喜爱
easy /'iːzi/                 adj. 容易的;不费力的
after /'ɑːftə(r)/            prep. & conj. 在……之后
class /klɑːs/                 n. 班级;课
classmate /'klɑːsmeɪt/     n. 同班同学
Bill /bɪl/                比尔  (男名)
Part 2:Texts
Cindy:    Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late!
Helen:    OK.
Cindy:    Do you have the baseball?
Helen:    Yes, I do. It’s in my bag.
Cindy:    And where’s our baseball bat?
Helen:    Bill has it.
Cindy:    Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket?
Helen:    Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it.
Cindy:    And your hat, too!
Helen:    OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go!
1. Do you have a baseball? 
  Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I have a volleyball.
2. Do you have a ping-pong bat?   
  Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I have a ping-pong ball.
3. Does she have a tennis ball?   
  Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. She has a baseball.
4. Does he have a soccer ball?       
  Yes, he does./No. he doesn’t. He has two ping-pong bats.
5. Do they have a basketball?
  Yes, they do./No, they don’t. They have a volleyball.
don’t = do not    doesn’t = does not
句型:—Do/Does sb. have…?
      —Yes, sb. do / does.
      —No, sb. don’t / doesn’t.
Write each word in the correct place in the chart.
  I  he  they  you  we  she  it  Eric
Fill in the blanks with do or does.  用 do 或 does 填空。
A: _______ you have a baseball?
B: Yes, I ______.
A: Great! I have a bat. Let’s play!
A: _______ John have a soccer ball?
B: No, he _________.
A: _______ he have a ping-pong bat?
B: Yes, he_______. I think he has a ping-pong ball, too.
A: Hmm…let’s ask.
A: _______ your friends have a basketball?
B: Yes, they _______. They have two basketballs.
A: Well, let’s play basketball.
B: That sounds good.
Do You Have a Soccer Ball?
Frank Brown:
I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the
same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our
friends. It’s relaxing.
Gina Smith:
Yes, I do. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs
and five baseballs and bats. I love sports, but I don’t play them—I
only watch them on TV!
Wang Wei:
No, I don’t. Soccer is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’s easy for me. I
have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I
play ping-pong with my classmates.
Who do you think says these sentences? Write F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.
你认为下面的话是谁说的?在横线上写上 F(Frank) 或 G(Gina) 或 W(Wang Wei)。
1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.            _____
2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs.    _____
3. My brother has a soccer ball but I don’t.                      _____
4. I only watch sports on TV.                              _____
5. Soccer is not easy for me.                                _____
6. My brother and I are in the same school.                  _____
Part 3 Grammar —— 一般现在时
1. 可表示现在的状态
2. 可表示经常的或习惯性的动作
3. 可表示主语具备的性格、爱好和能力
1. 我昨天很生气。                    (    )
2. 现在我很生气。                      (    )
3. 长大后我要成为一名老师。            (    )
4. 我是一名老师。                      (    )
5. 我妈妈正在做家务。                (    )
6. 我妈妈经常做家务。                (    )
7.我的爷爷奶奶很喜欢饭后散步。        (    )
1. 含有be动词的句子
  be动词: am, is, are
2. 含有实义动词的句子
1. 含有be动词的句子
  It is a key.
  否定句:It is not a key.
  一般疑问句:—Is it a key?
回答:    —Yes, it is.
              —No, it isn’t.
变否定句在 be 后加 not
变一般疑问句将 be 提句首,句首首字母大写,句末加问号
2. 含有实义动词的句子
(1) They watch them on TV.  (实义动词为原形)
否定句:They don’t watch them on TV.
