7年级上册 unit5 单元检测习题
1.Ihave a TV.She also______aTV.
A.haveB. has C.is D.are
2.—I like watching Keep Ruming. —Me, too.It is very___
A.easyB.interestingC.difficult D.careful
3.David loves to play soccer. That'shis favorite_______
A.color B.sport C.subject D.food
4.—Let's play ping-pong.  ---____________
A.No,I don't. B.That sounds interesting. C.OK! It's boring. D.You' re welcome.
5.—______they have any balls?  ---Yes,they___.
A.Are;are B.Do;doC.Can;do D.Do;have
6.My brother plays______footballafter school every day.
A.a B.an C.the D./
7.Your bag is on the chair.Letme_____it for you, Mom.
A.to C.find D. to get
8.—Let's play ping-pong!  ----Good idea!_____I don't have a bat.
A.So B.Or C.And D. But
9.Ann's sister__an English-Chinese dictionary.
A.don't has B.don't have C.doesn't have D.doesn'thas
10.—Is that__volleyball?
---Yes. Jim likes playing_____volleyball.__volleyball is his.
A.the;a;/ B/;the;/ C./:the;The D.a;/;The
11.—Zhou Xin doesn't____to school; he thinks the classesare boring.
—He is not right(正确的).
Aes B. D.have
12.—Mike always___TV afterschool.It's bad for his eyes.
—Yeah.Let's ask him to play soccer with us.
A.watching B.watches C.watch D. to watch
13.Englishis hard(困难的)for my grandma,but it's for me.
A.coolB.useful  C.funD.easy
14.I like___tennis very much.I want to play tennis _____Li Na one day.
A.to play;to B.playing;with C.playing; play;of
15.—__your cousin and you like tennis?
---Yes, we_____fans of Federer.
A.Are;are B.Do;are C.Does;are D.Is;are
Hello!I'm_16___. I'm an English boy.I17_____ two sisters.18 ______are Sonia and Linda.Sonia has a great sports collection.She has a soccer ball,three volleyballs19______ four basketballs.But she 20 _______play sports—she only21______ them on TV. Linda has a sports collection,22 _______. She has two tennis balls and23______baseball.And she has many ping-pong balls24_______her schoolbag.She25 ______ping-pong every day.
16.A.Lucy B.AlanC.SoniaD.Lily
17.A.have  B.doC.hasD.does
18.A.He B.SheC.They D.It
19.A.and D.of
20.A.isn't B.aren'tC.don'tD.doesn't
21.A.look B.watchC.looksD.watches
22.A.please  B.tooC.thereD.here
23.A.three B.two C.aD.an
24.A.with D.in
26.Lucy's volleyball is____
A.on the sofa B.under the chair C.under the bed
27.The soccer balls are____
A.black and ange C.blue and white
28.Cindy has__ping-pong ball(s).
A.one B.two C.four
29. The basketball is____
A.Tim's B.Tom's C.Lucy's
30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above?
A.Tom's volleyball is orange.
B.Cindy's ping-pong balls are in the desk.
C.Lucy has one red basketball.
soccer ball
My name is Monica Gibbons.I like swimming. Swimming is very relaxing. Iswim with my parents every day.Ilike ball games, too.Ioften play volleyball and soccer with my classmates.Idon'tlike running. It's really boring.
