Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?
1.Play soccer/basketball/tennis/ping-pong/volleyball/sports/computer games 踢足球/打篮球/打网球/打乒乓球/打排球/做运动/打电脑游戏
2.Watch TV看电视
3.Read a book/newspaper看书/看报纸
Look at the picture/map/blackboard 看图片/地图/黑板
4.Go to the same school 上同一所学校
5.At school 在校
6.With friends 和朋友一起
7.Watch sth on TV 在电视上看某物
8.After class 课后
1. Do you have a ping-pang ball? 你有乒乓球吗?
Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 是的,我有。/不,我没有。
2. Does he have a tennis ball? 他有网球吗?
Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 是的,他有。/不,他没有。
3. Lets go! 我们走吧!
4. Let me get it! 让我去来。
5. Great!好极了!
6. That sounds good/interesting/fun/boring/relaxing/great.
soccer ball7. I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does.
8. it’s easy for me. 它对我来说很容易。
Poem;How to learn English 诗歌;怎样学英语
With your ears, listen and listen.用耳专心听
Open your mouth, speak and speak.张开嘴大声说
Use your eyes, read and read.用眼认真看
By your hands, write and write.用手仔细些
Learning English, easy and fun.学英语就这么容易和有趣。
