七年英语上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?
Section A
1.      you have a soccer ball?    yes, I      
2.      Bob have a computer game?  No,            
3.      this your tennis racket?      Yes,            
4.        those ping pong balls your brother’s?No,               
5.        they have a basketball?      No,                 .
6.Can you bring the book to me ?    Yes, I         .
7.Is that your father ?    No,                 .
8.Is it your jacket?    Yes,             .
(    )1.        you know that girl under the tree ?
A .Are      B. Do      C. Does      D. Is
(    )2.        your sister have many skirts ?
A. Are      B. Is      C. Are        D. Does
(    )3.-Let’s play volleyball!  -                  .
A. Thank you    B. Yes, please    C. That sounds good.      D. That sound good.
(    )4.We have many         at school.
A. sport club    B. sports club    C. sports clubs      D. sport clubs.
(    )5.Let’s         chess after school .
A. play  B. to play  C. playing    D. plays.
Let’s    have    us    sounds    many    many    don’t have    play
1. Please bring some things to       .
2. We often         basketball after school .
3. Does he           a tennis racket ?
4. The idea         good !
5.           play ping-pong .
A: Hi ! How are you ? Bill
B: I’m 1    .Thank you ! And you ?
A: I’m Ok ,too Let’s play sports .
B: That 2      good ,. 3      you have a soccer ball ?
A: No, I 4      ,but I 5      a tennis.
B: 6      is your tennis ?
A: It’s 7      the chair .but I 8      have tennis rackets .
B: Oh ! I 9      tennis rackets .
A: Great ! Let’s play tennis !
B: 10      ,Let’s go !
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七年英语上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?
Section B
一、用have/has 或there be 的适当形式填空
1.I       a basketball and my brother         a soccer ball .
2.Tom and Bob     many ping-pong balls .
3.    a set of keys and some books on the table .
4.    some volleyballs on the floor .
5.We       a big house . They       a small house .
1.Does they have many friends? (  )       2.Lets play the basketball.  (  )       
  A        B        C           A  B  C
3.Lets to go to school . (  )            4.Mary watch TV every day . (  )       
  A    B    C                  A  B  C
5.That sound good .  (  )       
A    B  C
interesting    watches    boring      every        fun
1.This is an         book .      2. We have       playing basketball .
3. I don’t like basketball . It’s       .  4. My father         TV every day .
5.      student is very happy .
My father likes playing sports . He1h    a great sports collection . He has four2t        , one3v      three4b      ,three5s      . four6b      .two ping-pong. 7b      .and many ping-pong 8 b      .
A:1.         play basketball .   B: Sorry , I don’t 2        a basketball .
A: :Let’s play volleyball.    B: No , that sounds 3        . Let’s play computer games .
A: That 4        good . Do you have a computer ?   B: Yes , I 5      . Let’s go .
soccer ballA: Ok , Let’s go .
七年英语上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?
Self check
Tennis  boring  fun  soccer  baseball  interesting  ping-pong  basketball difficult  volleyball  relaxing 
1.Math is very d        , I don’t like it .
2. I don’t play sports ,and I only  w      them .
3. Yao Ming is a great b        player .
4. Let’s play ping-pong .
No , It’s           .
5. Lin Tao has a computer . He often p      games .
Bob: 1            , is this your ping-pong ball ?
Tom: No, 3        .It’s Mike’s.
Bob: Do you have ping-pong bats ?
Tom: No ,           ,I think Mike 7      .
Bob : Hi , mike .Do you have ping-pong bats ?
Mike: Yes, 8    9    .
Bob: Let’s play ping-pong.
