Unit 5  Do you have a soccer ball?
  本单元的核心语言项目是ask and answer questions about ownership, 以及make suggestions。主要话题是spending time with friends,学习邀请朋友运动以及谈论自己对某项运动的感觉等。从Section A的sports things, 从have 的句型运用到语篇中的综合运用,循序渐进,逐步扩展。
  (1)对所属关系进行问答,如 :Do you have a soccer ball?
  (2)提出建议,发出邀请。如:Let's play soccer.
  (3)谈论自己的感受。如:That sounds good.
  (1)have 的一般现在时用法
  (4)提出建议的句型:Let's… .
  Drill: Do you/they have…?
  Does he/she have…?
  I don't have…?
  He/She doesn't have… .
  Let's… .
  That sounds… .
  have 在一般现在时中的肯定,否定,一般疑问等形式。尤其当主语为第三人称单数时。soccer ball
  1、Section A 1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b
  2、Section A 2c. 3a. 3b. 4
  3、Section B 1a. 1b. 2a. 2b. 2c
  4、Section B 3a. 3b. 3c. 4
  Period One  Section A 1a-2b
  1、单词:soccer ball ,tennis racket ,ping-pong ball ,volleyball ,TV
  2、句型:Do you have a… ?
  Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  三、教学难点:学会使用句型 Do you have a… ?  Yes, I do./No, I don't.
  Step1  Warming up:
  What's this in English? It's a pen.
  What colour is it? It's black.
  Is this your pen? Yes, it is.
  Where is it? It's on the table.
  Step2  Pre-task:
  1. Saying: This is my pen.
  Do you have a watch?
  Help the Ss answer:Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
  T: Do you have an English book?
  S1: Yes, I do
  T:  Do you have a computer?
  S2: No, I don't.
  2.Ask and answer “Do you have…?”(from the things in bedrooms to school things.)
  Step3  (show a boxT:morning class!What is this?
Ss.It is a box T:Good.I have a box.This is my box.And can you guess what is there in the box?(then Ss say many different kinds of things,at the same time will open the box)T:look! This is a ping_pong ball.Ss:yes ,It is yellow.T:Can you say other balls?(then I show the pictures of balls.)Ss:It is a tennis ,a soccer,football………以这种对话的形式引导学生学习新单词。
 Do the pair work :1c
  Step4  Guessing game:
  What do I have in my hand ?(ask a S to come to the front and hold sth.in hand and let other Ss guess. After guessing ,
  T: Do you have a computer?
  S1: No, I don't.
  T: Do you have a volleyball?
  S2: Yes, I do.
  T: OK, let's play. … (chain work)
  Step5  Tasks
  1.SB 1a. Match the words with things in the picture.
  2.SB 1b. Listen and circle the words you hear.
  3.SB 1c. practise the conversation in students' own words.
  4.SB 2a,2b. Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures 1-4 and match the people with the balls.
  Step6  Creative  work
  Make up dialogues ,using the patterns and words learned so far. Like:
  What's this in English? Do you have a…?Where is it/are they? ect.
  Step7  Homework
  1)Write a dialogue as above.
  2)。Do exercises in exercise books.
  Period Two  Section A 2c-4
  1、单词:does, doesn't, let's, play, well, sound, good, sport, we, many, club, more, class
  2、句型:Does he /she have a soccer ball?
  Yes, he/she does.  No, he/she doesn't.
  I don't have a soccer. Let's play soccer.
  That sounds good.
  三、教学难点:学会使用句型Does he/she have a…?
  Yes,he/she does.
  No,he/she doesn't.
  Let's … .
  I don't have a… .
  That sounds good.
  Step1  Warming up:
  1. A flash about soccer
  2. Revision of “Do you have a…?”(chain work)Then do the pair work 2c
  Step2  Pre-task
  1)Look at 2c ,this is Jim's bedroom. He has many things. What does he have? He has …
  2)Look at the picture and answer questions by Ss with “Does he have…?”(先观察图片然后隐去图片中的物品,再让学生回忆他们看到的物品,用 Yes, he does/No, he doesn't.回答。)
  3)Grammar Focus: Do you /they have…?Does he/she have…?
  Step3  Guessing game
  This is my handbag .I have many things. What do I have ,do you know? Guess.
  S: Do you have…?
  T: Yes, I do. I have many …and more./No, I don't. I don't have… .
  Step4  Drills
  T: I have many things. I have…and more. But I don't have… . How about you?
  Answer by Ss.
  Step5  Task
  SB 3a.(Fill in the blanks with the words from the box . Then practise the dialogue.)
  Step6  Pair work  SB 3b
  A: Let's play soccer.
  B:I don't have a soccer ball.
  A: Well, let's play volleyball.
  B: That sounds good
