初一英语      第六次课
1.tennis______________        2.ping-pong ______________
3.soccer ______________        4.volleyball ______________
5.basketball ______________    6.interesting______________
7.boring ______________        8.relaxing ______________
9.only ______________          10.classmate ______________
11.watch______________        12.like______________
14. _____________            15. _____________我们(主格)
16. _____________我们(宾格)  17. _____________迟到
18. _____________去取          19. _____________美妙的,伟大的
20. _____________            21. _____________听起来
22. _____________有趣的        23. _____________...在一起
24. _____________容易的  25. _____________r...之后
26. _____________相同的
1soccer ball 英式足球      2ping-pong ball 乒乓球
(3tennis ball 网球          4baseball bat 棒球拍
5ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍    6play sports 做运动;参加体育运动
(7)go to school 去上学soccer ball        8play basketball 打篮球
9play soccer 踢足球        10play tennis 打网球
11play ping pong打乒乓球  12play computer games 玩电子游戏
13watch TV看电视        14be easy for sb.对某人来说容易
15on TV通过电视          16at school 在学校
(17after class 在课后          (18)Lets do sth让我们做某事吧。
19)Let's go.我们走吧。
1.Do you have a ping-pong bat?
  Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. I have a ping-pong ball.
2.Do they have a basketball?
  Yes, they do./ No, they don’t. They have a volleyball.
3.Does she have a tennis ball?
  Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. She has a baseball.
4.Does he have a soccer ball?
  Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.
5.Does Tom/your brother have a basketball?
        Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
1.  Do you have a ping-pong ball?
动词“have”意为,表示拥有关系,有人称和数的变化,当主语是“I, we, you, they”或名词复数时,就与“have”搭配。
My parents have a computer.我父母有一台电脑。
I have an English book. 我有一本英语书。
如:She has a brother. 她有一个弟弟。
Tom has a new bike. 汤姆有一部新自行车。
“have”的否定式是“don’t have”;“has” 的否定式是“doesn’t have”
例如:We don’t have a house. 我们没有房子。
She doesn’t have a car. 他没有小汽车。
2. I don’t have a soccer ball.
句式主语+have/has +宾语+其他。(肯定句)
否定句是主语+don’t/doesn’t+ have+宾语+其他。
  例如:I don’t have a skirt. 我没有裙子。
    They don’t have many friends in China. 他们在中国没有很多朋友。
  例如:My father doesn’t have a big house. 我的爸爸没有一座大房子。
        She doesn’t have a doll. 她没有娃娃。
3. Let’s play basketball.
let意为让,允许 表示让(允许)某人做某事应该说“let somebody do something”,不能说“let somebody to do something”。如:
Let me help you. 让我帮助你。
His mother doesn’t let him go out at night. 他母亲不让他晚上出去。
“Let’s…”是表示建议或请求的祈使句句型,“Let’s”“Let us”的缩写形式。
例如:Let’s go to school. 咱们上学吧。
Let’s play basketball after school. 咱们放学后打篮球吧。
拓展:Let’s Let us在用法上略有区别
在表示向对方提出建议,涉及双方的共同行为时,“Let us”可以缩写成“Let’s”;而表示请求对方允许做某事,不涉及对方行为时,“Let us”不能缩写成“Let’s”
例如:Let’s (=Let us) play sports. 咱们做运动吧。
Let us know your telephone number. 请把你的电话号码告诉我们。(Let us 不能缩写成Let’s
“Let’s”开头的句子改为反意疑问句的时候,后面的附加疑问句用“shall we,因为Let’s是把说话人包含在内了;以“Let us”开头的句子改为反意疑问句的时候,后面的附加疑问句用“will you?” 因为“Let us”没有把说话人包含在内。
4. I love sports, but I don’t play themI only watch them on TV.
例如:He can play basketball, but he can’t play ping-pong.
It is sunny but cold today. 天气晴朗,可是很冷。
介词“on”的意思是通过某种方式“be on TV”表示在电视上播放的意思。
. 按要求转换句型。
1My father doesn’t like playing tennis.(变为肯定句)
2I think tennis is very interesting.(就划线部分提问)
3Tim has a gold watch.(变为一般疑问句)
4I play sports every morning.(变为否定句)
5.  There are old bikes under the tree.(变为单数句)
. 从右栏中出与左栏对应的答语。
  1Are there pictures on the wall?
AYes, they do.
  2Is there a ball under the desk?
BYes, it is.
  3Do they have a tennis racket?
CYes, they are.
  4Does she like the hat?
DYes, there is.
  5.  Let’s play computer games?
EYes, she does.
  6Is that your baseball?
FThey are chairs.
  7Are these chairs?
GNo, there aren’t.
  8Are these chairs or sofas?
HI have many sports collections.
  9What’s on the dresser?
IThere is a watch on it.
  10What do you have?
JThat sounds good.
