第二课时 Section A(2a2d)
,  01  基础过关
1Let me get(去取) the radio for you.
2My friend Helen has() three red cups.
3. We(我们) are in a middle school.
4SorryMs.Brown.I am late(迟到)
5Can they go() to the library now?
6I must find our soccer ball.
7Is his jacket on the chair?
8Can you help meI need your help.
9Let's  getsoccer ball the baseball bat together(一起)
10—Do you have a basketball?
—NoI don't.But my brother  does
11Does Mary have a computer game(作肯定回答)
Yesshe does
12Linda has a pingpong bat.(改为否定句)
Linda doesn't have a pingpong bat.
13Does he have a baseball(改为复数句)
Do they have  baseballs?
14Your baseball bat is  on__the__table(对画线部分提问)
Where is my baseball bat?
15We call Ms.Liu in the evening.(Let's改写句子)
Let's call Ms.Liu in the evening.
,  02  综合提升
(C)16.—Does John ________ a volleyball?
—Yeshe ________ a volleyball.
Ahavehave  Bhashas
Chavehas  Dhashave
(D)17.(20182019·阜阳九中第一次月考)—Let ________ help you.
—Thank you very much.
AI  Bwe
Cour  Dus
(A)18.(20182019·阜阳九中第二次月考)I have two pingpong bats________I play pingpong every day.
Aand  Bor
Cbut  Dbecause
—I have a purple cup.
AWhat do you have
BWhat color is your cup
CWhere is your cup
DDo you have a cup
(C)20.—Let's play pingpongJack.
—________.Let's go!
AYesI do  BI'm fine
COK  DYou're welcome
Doesn't Have
a baseballa soccer ball
a tennis racket(球拍)
a schoolbaga watch
a ball
a basketballa TV
a pair of baseball gloves(手套)
a clock
a watcha ball
a math(数学) bookCDs
a video cassette(录像带)
(A)21.Gina has________.But she doesn't have________.
Aa watcha ball
Ba balla clock
Ca bookCDs
Da clocka watch
(D)22.Kate has________but she doesn't have ________.
Aa watcha ball 
Ba clocka basketball
Ca watcha baseball bat 
Da clocka ball
(C)23.Paul and Jim have________.
Abooks  BCDs
Cballs  Dtennis rackets
(B)24.Tommy has a ________ and some________.
Dvideo cassettebooks
