专题06 经典读后续写演练
Messi was a big fan of soccer. When he turned ten, he joined his first soccer team, the Green Lightning. Messi put on his uniform right away, and then he admired himself in the mirror.
“I’m a real soccer player,” he said to himself. He practised his serious game face and his victory smile. “What are you doing?” asked his sister Grace.
“I’m practising soccer,” said Messi.
“Well,” said Grace, “when people practise soccer, they usually use a ball.”
Messi then found a soccer ball in the basement. He hurried back to his room, stood in front of the mirror, and posed with the ball. Just right!
On Wednesday, Messi met his teammates on the playground. Coach Jupiter taught them how to kick the ball, run after it, and kick it again. He taught them how to throw the ball in from the sidelines, using two hands while keeping both feet on the ground.
Then they had a practice game. Soccer was a lot harder than it looked. Every time Messi was about to kick the ball, someone else kicked it away from him. When Messi threw the ball in from the sideline, he forgot to keep both feet on the ground. The only thing that Messi was good at was cheering. When anyone made a goal, Messi would jump up and cheer for them.
Saturday was Messi’s first real soccer game. The Green Lightening was playing against the Golden Suns. Messi’s family all came to watch. Messi chased the ball up and down. He kicked the air. He kicked the grass. He even kicked one of the Golden Suns. But every time he tried to kick the ball, someone else kicked it first. Even so, he kept cheering for anyone who scored. But no one cheered for him. It came as no surprise that their team lost the match.
After the game, Grace came over and reminded Messi that he needed to be a real soccer player not a cheerleader. Meanwhile, his coach Jupiter told Messi that he wanted him to be a better soccer player next time.
Paragraph 1:
Their words made Messi start to consider the true meaning of a real soccer player.
Paragraph 2:
Finally, it came the last game of the season between the Green Lightning and the Golden Suns again.
2.读后续写【安徽省皖南八校2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次大联考】soccer ball
Heiss, 61, and his wife lost their only child, a son. They had no grandchildren. Being around children at Christmas had been absent in their lives.
On December 12, Heiss was hiking there mote expanse of land behind his farm in Patagonia, Arizona, a town near the US-Mexico border, when he spotted a balloon on the grass. Heiss walked towards it with his dog, thinking he should pick up the plastic and throw it away. That’s when he noticed the balloon’s string was attached to a piece of paper.
“Dayami”, it read on one side, in a child’s writing, and a hand-drawn bow accompanied the word. Heiss turned over the paper. It was a numbered list, all in Spanish. Though he wasn’t good at Spanish, Heiss could see it was Christmas list. Heiss was attracted and suspected that a child named Dayami had tried to sent Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balloon,
which he used to do himself when he was a kid. Unfortunately, nobody had ever returned the letters he had sent.
Heiss wondered whether he could find the girl who had sent this paper. It would be difficult, but he had a few clues. About 32 kilometers to the southwest, just across the border, was the city of Nogales, Mexico, with a population of about a quarter million. With the help of wind, Heiss was pretty sure the balloon came from the southwest city, Nogales.
