    String Arrays in C.
    A string array is an array of character arrays. Each character array is a null-terminated string. String arrays are commonly used to store collections of strings, such as the names of files, the arguments to a program, or the lines of a text file.
    To declare a string array, you can use the following syntax:
    char array_name[n][m];
    `array_name` is the name of the array.
    `n` is the number of strings in the array.
    `m` is the maximum length of each string in the array.
    For example, the following code declares a string array named `names` that can store up to 10 strings, each of which can be up to 20 characters long:
    char names[10][20];
    To initialize a string array, you can use the following syntax:
    array_name[index] = "string";
    `array_name` is the name of the array.
    `index` is the index of the string in the array.
    `string` is the string to be stored in the array.
    For example, the following code initializes the `names` array with the names of the first 1
0 presidents of the United States:
    names[0] = "George Washington";
    names[1] = "John Adams";
    names[2] = "Thomas Jefferson";
    names[3] = "James Madison";
    names[4] = "James Monroe";
    names[5] = "John Quincy Adams";
    names[6] = "Andrew Jackson";
    names[7] = "Martin Van Buren";
    names[8] = "William Henry Harrison";c 字符串转数组
    names[9] = "John Tyler";
    To access the strings in a string array, you can use the following syntax:
    `array_name` is the name of the array.
    `index` is the index of the string in the array.
