可能使用一个MySQL查询?“列包含数组的任何值”[英]Possible with one MySQL query? “column contains any of the array’s values” Basically I want to check whether a mysql text column, which contains comma-separated values, contains any of the values contained in an array. I know this can be done with a loop and multiple queries, but I was hoping for a single query. Is this possible? Thank you.
 str RLIKE CONCAT(‘[[: :]]’, REPLACE(‘values,in,the,array’, ‘,’, ‘[[: :]]|[[: :]]’), ‘[[: :]]’) this will make the following string:mysql 字符串转数组
  ‘values,in,the,array’ like this:
  [[: :]]values[[: :]]|[[: :]]in[[: :]]|[[: :]]the[[: :]]|[[: :]]array[[: :]] [[: :]] and [[: :]] are word boundaries so it will match only whole words, and | is an OR so it will match any of the words. Please see fiddle here.
 [[:]]和[[: :]]是单词的边界,因此它只匹配整个单词,而|是一个,因此它将匹配任何一个单词。请在这里看到小提琴。
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table WHERE (my_column LIKE ‘%,0,%’ OR my_column LIKE ‘%,1,%’);
 从my_table中选择COUNT(*),其中(my_column如’%,0,%’或my_column 如’%,1,%’);
