1. I object to them ______ burning cigarette ends about.
A. leave
B. leaving
C. to have left
D. to leave
2. The suggestion that everybody ______ one poor pupil had been adopteD.
A. subsidizes B. will subsidize C. subsidize D. would subsidize
3. In 1948, Harry Truman was re-elected ______ president of the U.S. to the surprise of all those who ______ his defeat.
A. a, predicted
B. the, had predicted
C. /, had predicted
D. /, predicted
4. He rushed into the room, his face ____ with sweat.
A. dripping B. dripped
C. being dripped D. was dripping
5.You’d better ______ the dispute.
A. to leave them settling
B. to leave them to settle
C. leave them settling
D. leave them to settle
6. Bacon and eggs _______ common Sunday breakfast in EnglanD.
A. is an
B. are the
C. is a
D. are
7. Mr. Ma can not only play ______ chess very well but also play _______ piano.
A. /, /
B. the, /
C. /, a
D. /, the
8. Professor Jones, the man who discovered _______ new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give _________ press conference.
A. a, a
object toB. the, the
C. a, the
D. the, a
9. He was taken _____ prisoner in the war and spent ______ next two years in a prisoner-of-war camp in the south.
A. /, the
B. the, a
C. the, /
D. the, the
10. ______ computer is more essential to a modern business than ________
A. The, the
B. /, /
C. A, the
D. The, a
11. It was unusual for there _____ so few students in the classroom.
A. to be
B. be
C. being
D. are
12. He was awaken by someone _____ at the door.
A. tapping
B. to tap
C. tapped
D. tap
13. You should put your dirty shirt together with the clothing _____ next to the washing machine.
A. laundering B. of laundering C. to be laundered D. for laundered
14.The local health organization is reported ____ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
A、to be set up            B、being set up
C、to have been set up      D、having been set up
15. These open-air concerts are often attended by ____ audience if the weather is fine.
A、a number of              B、a great number of
C、a large many              D、a large
16. ____ several times, but he still doesn’t know how to do it properly.
A、Being shown  B、Having shown
C、Having been shown  D、I’ve shown him
17. A rumor began to spread here some time ago ____ there would be another SARS cas
e in the city.
A、which    B、where    C、when    D、that
18. One side of the board should be painted yellow, and ____ white.
A、the other is    B、another    C、the other    D、another is
