Teaching Aims:
1. Go on teaching the grammar: The Object Clause
2. Get the ss to master some useful expressions.
3. Through making dialogue and reading, improve the SS’ reading abilities.
4. Have the SS know how to get information from the internet, and help them find how to spend a happy holiday.
Difficulties and points:
1. The usage of the Object Clause
2. To describe China in English.
Lesson 17.
Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects
Language focus:
1.Useful expressions: have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving. On the island; press; by oneself, try to do something, and try doing something; some pieces of information; get on the Internet; look at / search the Internet.
2.The Object Clause.
T: I often go to school on foot.
S1: What does the teacher say?
S2: She says that she often goes to school on foot.
S1: What did the teacher say?
S2: She said that she often went to school on foot.
Where are you going?
She asks where I am going?
She asked where I was going?
Where is the nearest post office
When do you usually go to bed?
How do you go to school?
How long do you usually spend in doing your homework?
Who is running?
What is he doing now?
Teaching Procedures:
Ⅰ. Showing aims:
1.Master some useful expressions.
2.Learn The Object Clause.
3.To make some dialogues freely. Try to use the drills: He said that he was…
Ⅱ. Revision
1.Check homework.
Revise The Object Clause. Ask the Ss some questions like: What does the teacher say? And what did the teacher say? Have the Ss practise “ ask and answer” in pairs, using The Object Clause, and choose several pairs to perform their dialogues.
Play the chain games:
( show the SS a film of the sentences)
T: I often go to school on foot.
S1: What does the teacher say?
S2: She says that she often goes to school on foot.
S1: What did the teacher say?
S2: She said that she often went to school on foot.
Make sure the Ss can ask and answer correctly. Then play the chain game in pairs.
Tell the Ss that they’ll have a two-week holiday. Get the SS to discuss how will they spend the holidays. Divide the class into small groups, then ask one student of each group to give their report.
Present this dialogue:
T: Where are you going for your holiday?
S: We decide to go to Shanghai.
T: That’s a good idea. But could you tell me how long you’re going to be there?
S: About two weeks.
T: Great. And do you know where you’ll stay?
S: I don’t know. Can you tell me?
T: I don’t know. Either. Let’s try to find the information about Shanghai, OK?
S: OK.
Have the SS practise the dialogue in pairs.
Ⅳ. Read and act:
Speech cassette. L17, Ask:
What are they going to talk about?
Where are they going for their holidays?
How long are they going to be there?
Do they know Hainan well ?
How will they know about it before they go to Hainan?
object toPlay the tape twice for the ss to listen and show them the picture to look. Then the Ss can repeat the dialogue after the tape.
Part 1. Books open. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs, and ask four pairs to act out it in front of the class.
Explain: 1)try doing and try to do something; try one’s best to do something;
2)information: some pieces of information; music, news,
3) on the Internet, look at / search the Internet.
4) at the top of the page, type in the website;
5) at the foot of/ on the top of
Ⅴ.Learn and speak:
Have the SS look at the computer, and ask: Could you tell me how to search the internet? Find a student who can search the internet help him answer with OK, Let me tell you. Use the instructions to help. Ask the other SS to answer and get them to play the computer. Make sure all of them can say and play.
1. Do Exx 2 orally. Get the Ss to do it in pairs. The answers are: 1. What he is; 2 Where; 3. how many ; go to; 4. Who; 5. When Sam is; 6. Why; 7. How long 8. exciting.
1. Finish the exercises in the workbook..
2. Learn to search the internet. Write down the instructions.
Exercises in class
Fill in the blanks with what, where, when, which, who, why, and how.
1.A: Excuse me! Could you tell me______ the nearest post office is?
