1.— Mom, must I clean my room now?
— No, you ________. You can do it after dinner.
A.needn’t    B.mustn’t    C.shouldn’t    D.can’t
2.To my joy, we_________ go to the bank. Mary has lent us some money.
A.shouldn’t    B.needn’t    C.couldn’t    D.wouldn’t
3.—Must the children leave at six tomorrow morning?
—No, they _______. They can have more time to get ready for the trip.
A.can’t    B.needn’t    C.mustn’t    D.may not
4.—Hurry up, Jack! Let’s cross the road as fast as possible.
—No, you ________. Don’t you see the light is still red?
A.couldn’t    B.wouldn’t    C.mustn’t    D.needn’t
5.—The high school entrance examination is coming!
— Yes, our teacher tells us we ________ be too careful while taking exams.
A.mustn’t    B.shouldn’t    C.needn’t    D.can’t
6.We shouldn’t throw any objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries or death, when dropped from a great height.
A.must    B.should    C.may    D.need
7.— ________ you give me a hand? I can’t put up the poster by myself.
—No problem.
A.Could    B.Should    C.Need    D.Must
8.— Is Lang Lang going to perform at Art Center this Friday?
— Yes. It ________ be him. He has been here for three days.
A.might    B.must    C.mustn’t    D.may
9.—I must go to school today, ________?
—No, you ________.You can go as soon as you get well.
A.mustn’t I;needn’t    B.needn’t I;needn’t
C.mustn’t I;mustn’t    D.needn’t I;mustn’t
10.When you visit a museum, some instructions should ________ and we’d better not ________ them.
A.pay attention to; be against    B.be paid attention; against
C.be paid attention to; against    D.be paid attention to; be against
11.You  ________  require others to do with the problem like you. Everyone has his own way.
A.mustn’t    B.needn’t    C.may not    D.shouldn’t
12.It’s amazing that the pen ________turn voice into text with few mistakes.
A.can    B.must    C.may    D.need
13.—Have you decided to take up teaching as career after graduation?
—I ________ go abroad for further education instead. But it depends.
A.must    B.should    C.may    D.shall
14.—The high school entrance examination is coming!
—Yes, our teacher tells us we _______ be too careful while taking exams.
A.mustn't    B.shouldn't    C.needn't    D.can't
object to15.---Will you be back early this evening?
---Yes, but I ________ be a little late. Our boss sometimes has extra work for us.
A.may    B.must    C.need    D.will
16.My bike was broken yesterday,so I____walk home.
A.might    B.had to    C.must    D.could
17.—Would you please________in that way? That’s not safe!
—Sorry. I won’t do it any more.
A.not driving    B.not to drive    C.no driving    D.not drive
18.—Will your mother be at home this Saturday?
—Hard to say. She _______go to the countryside to see my grandparents.
A.must    B.may    C.can    D.would
19.Don’t cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A car_______hit you.
A.need    B.may    C.should    D.must
20.You'd better __________ hard from now on, __________ you will fail the exam.
A.work; and    B.working; or    C.working; and    D.work; or
21.—Seventy dollars for such a dress! You ________ be joking!
—I’m serious. It’s made of silk from Hangzhou.
A.must    B.need    C.will    D.can
22.You _________ smoke here! Look at the sign. It says "No smoking".
A.needn't    B.mustn't    C.can    D.may
23.— Listen! Tom ________ be listening to the music while doing his homework.
— Let’s go upstairs to remind him to turn it off.
A.should    B.could    C.would    D.must
24.We've discussed every detail of this plan and have got everything ready. But still something ________ go wrong. We still have to be very careful.
A.must    B.should    C.would    D.may
25.—Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.
—Her memory ________ be completely back.
A.shall    B.need    C.must    D.could
26.—Is that Mr Zhou?
—It ________ be him. He has gone to Beijing.
A.can    B.may    C.can’t    D.shouldn’t
27.Never throw objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious i
njuries, or death, when dropped from a great height.
A.must    B.should    C.may    D.need
28.—Is it usually warm in Yancheng in May?
​—Yes. But it _______ be rather cold sometimes.
A.must    B.should    C.would    D.can
29.—How do you like my new dress?
—Well, if I ________ say, it is not suitable for you.
A.may    B.must    C.have to    D.should
30.—Shall I tell him the change of the time right now?
—I’m afraid you ________, otherwise he will be late for the meeting.
A.can    B.may    C.must    D.need
31.According to the rule, used batteries ________ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.
