专利名称:Multimode and multiple character string run
length encoding method and apparatus
发明人:Meriwether, Teresa A.,Sinha, Bhaskar
摘要:Improvements are made to standard run length encoding compression
techniques to permit frequently occurring repeated bytes to be dynamically redefined or reset to a default value such as a blank character, repeated multiple byte units or strings
to be more efficiently coded and run length encoded enhancements allow compression of data where characters are represented by multiple bytes. The Sequence Control Byte (SCB) is modified to communicate indications to a receiver that the compression mode of 1 to N bytes per character is being changed and to indicate what the change is or that a common master repeat character frequently encountered in data is being redefined to be another character or that characters are going to be encoded in multiple bytes. The SCB format which is well known in the prior art is modified to include specific bit patterns or codes in the first two bits of the SCB byte to indicate setting of the bytes per character encoding mode to a different value, resetting the encoding mode to a default value or redefining a commonly repeated character or defining a character to be multiple bytes or a string of characters which may be multiple byte characters. The other six bits of the SCB are assigned code values unused in the prior art to indicate the number of times that a defined character is to be repeated,
whether a master character that has been defined is to be repeated or whether a character string is to be repeated. Two fields of data are thus formatted in the SCB with new values to indicate to a receiver these new criteria.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Old Orchard Road Armonk, N.Y. 10504 US
代理机构:de Pena, Alain