Building ArcGIS Engine 9.3 solutions using .NET
ArcObjects API for ArcGIS Engine—Library Reference
ArcObjects are grouped into distinct libraries that focus on unique areas of functionality. A core set of these libraries are shared across the entire ArcGIS platform and are available to ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Server developers. Another set of libraries provide user interface components and logic and are only available to developers who are extending the ArcGIS Desktop suite of applications--ArcMap, ArcGlobe, ArcScene. This help system focuses on the libraries of ArcObjects that are available to ArcGIS Engine developers.
Libraries are also known as assemblies to .NET developers and packages to Java developers.
At left, use the TOC to browse through each library of ArcObjects. This reference material in
cludes an overview of each library, along with an object model diagram for the library, and the API Reference Help for each interface, class, method, and so on within the library.
ArcObjects libraries shared across the ArcGIS platform
A number of the libraries of ArcObjects that are included with ArcGIS Desktop are actually shared across the entire ArcGIS platform. These shared libraries are the ones we make available through ArcGIS Engine and they contain components that are not part of the ArcGIS UI. These shared libraries are summarized below. Understanding the library structure, dependencies, and basic functionality will help you as a developer navigate through the components of ArcGIS.
For a comprehensive discussion on each library, refer to the overview topic for each in the ArcObjects Library Reference section of the help system.
The libraries are discussed in dependency order. For example, System, as the library at the base of the ArcGIS architecture, is discussed first, while GeoDatabase depends on th
e six libraries that precede it in this discussion—System, SystemUI, Geometry, Display, Server, and Output.
Knowing the library dependency order is important, since it affects the way in which developers interact with the libraries as they develop software. For example, C++ developers must include the type libraries in the library dependency order to ensure correct compilation. Understanding the dependencies also helps when deploying your developments.object to

The System library is the lowest level library in the ArcGIS architecture. The library contains components that expose services used by the other libraries comprising ArcGIS. There are a number of interfaces defined within the System library that can be implemented by the developer. The AoInitializer object is defined in System; all developer
s must use this object to initialize and uninitialize the ArcGIS Engine in applications that make use of Engine functionality. The developer does not extend this library but can extend the ArcGIS system by implementing interfaces contained within this library.
The SystemUI library contains the interface definitions for user interface components that can be extended within the ArcGIS Engine. These include the ICommand, ITool, and IToolControl interfaces. The developer uses these interfaces to extend the UI components that the ArcGIS Engine developer components use. The objects contained within this library are utility objects available to the developer to simplify some user interface developments. The developer does not extend this library but can extend the ArcGIS system by implementing interfaces contained within this library.
The Geometry library handles the geometry, or shape, of features stored in feature classe
s or other graphical elements. The fundamental geometry objects with which most users will interact are Point, MultiPoint, Polyline, and Polygon. Beside those top-level entities are geometries that serve as building blocks for Polylines and Polygons. Those are the primitives that compose the geometries. They are Segments, Paths, and Rings. Polylines and Polygons are composed of a sequence of connected Segments that form a Path. A Segment consists of two distinguished points, the start and the endpoint, and an element type that defines the curve from beginning to end. The kinds of segments are CircularArc, Line, EllipticArc, and BezierCurve. All geometry objects can have Z, M, and IDs associated with their vertices. The fundamental geometry objects all support geometric operations, such as Buffer and Clip. The geometry primitives are not meant to be extended by developers.
