    When it comes to symbols that exceed the borders, it can refer to various situations. One common scenario is when typing or writing on a digital platform or paper, the height of certain symbols, such as capital letters or certain punctuation marks, may exceed the designated line height or the space provided within a text box. This can lead to the symbols being partially or fully cut off, making them difficult to read or comprehend.
    For instance, imagine I am typing a message on a messaging app and I want to emphasize a word by using all capital letters, such as "HELLO." However, the font size or line height of the text box is too small, causing the letters to extend beyond the visible area. In this case, the top or bottom parts of the letters may be cut off, making it harder for the recipient to understand the intended message.
    Another example can be seen in handwritten notes or drawings. If someone is writing with
large, exaggerated strokes, certain symbols or characters may exceed the boundaries of the paper. This can happen when someone is writing quickly or using a bold marker or pen. As a result, the symbols may be partially hidden or completely outside the visible area, making it challenging for others to interpret the content accurately.
字符串长度超出    谈到超出边框的符号,可以涉及到各种情况。一种常见的情况是在数字平台或纸上输入或书写时,某些符号的高度,如大写字母或特定的标点符号,可能超出了指定的行高或文本框内的空间。这样会导致符号被部分或完全切断,使其难以阅读或理解。
