php函数 专有名词解释
1.变量(variable): A variable is a storage location in memory that is used to hold a value, which can be manipulated and changed during the execution of a script.变量是内存中用于存储值的位置,可以在脚本执行过程中进行操作和修改。
2.字符串(String): A string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols, that is used to represent text or data.字符串是一系列字符的组合,例如字母、数字和符号,用于表示文本或数据。
3.数组(Array): An array is a data structure that stores multiple values of the same data type in a single variable.数组是一种数据结构,它将相同数据类型的多个值存储在一个变量中。
4.函数(Function): A function is a named block of reusable code that performs a specific task and can be called multiple times within a program.函数是一个具有名称的可重用代码块,用于执行特定任务,并可以在程序中多次调用。
5.循环(Loop): A loop is a control structure that allows a block of code to be executed repeate
dly until a specified condition is met.循环是一种控制结构,允许重复执行一段代码,直到满足特定条件。
6.条件语句(Conditional Statement): A conditional statement is a control structure that allows a program to make decisions based on specified conditions.条件语句是一种控制结构,允许程序根据指定条件进行决策。
7.类(Class): A class is a blueprint or template that defines the properties and behaviors of objects.类是定义对象属性和行为的蓝图或模板。
8.对象(Object): An object is an instance of a class that contains its own set of properties and methods.对象是类的一个实例,包含自己的一组属性和方法。
9.面向对象编程(Object-oriented programming): Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into objects, which interact with each other to solve problems.面向对象编程(OOP)是一种将代码组织成对象的编程范式,对象之间相互交互以解决问题。
10.继承(Inheritance): Inheritance is a mechanism in OOP where one class inherits the properties and methods of another class.继承是面向对象编程中的一种机制,其中一个类继承了另一个类的属性和方法。
11.接口(Interface): An interface defines a contract for classes, specifying a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.接口定义了类的契约,指定了任何实现接口的类必须实现的一组方法。
12.命名空间(Namespace): A namespace is a way to encapsulate a set of related functions, classes, and variables, preventing naming conflicts with other code.命名空间是一种封装一组相关函数、类和变量的方式,防止与其他代码发生命名冲突。
13.异常(Exception): An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions.异常是程序执行过程中发生的事件,打断了正常的指令流程。
14.文件处理(File handling): File handling refers to the process of reading from or writing to f
iles on a computer's file system.文件处理指的是在计算机文件系统上读取或写入文件的过程。
15.正则表达式(Regular Expression): A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, used for matching and manipulating strings.正则表达式是一系列字符,用于定义搜索模式,用于匹配和操作字符串。
16.数据库连接(Database connection): A database connection establishes a link between a PHP script and a database management system, allowing the script to communicate and interact with the database.数据库连接建立了PHP脚本与数据库管理系统之间的链接,允许脚本与数据库进行通信和交互。
17.会话(Session): A session is a way to store and persist data across multiple requests made by a user during a website visit.会话是一种在用户访问网站期间跨多个请求存储和持久化数据的方式。
18.加密(Encryption): Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext, makin字符串函数php
g it unreadable unless decrypted with the correct key.加密是将明文转换为密文的过程,除非使用正确的密钥解密,否则无法阅读。
19.解密(Decryption): Decryption is the process of converting ciphertext back into plaintext, reversing the encryption process.解密是将密文转换回明文的过程,逆转加密过程。
20.日期时间操作(Date and time manipulation): Date and time manipulation refers to the ability to perform operations and calculations on dates and times, such as formatting, parsing, and adding or subtracting time intervals.日期时间操作指的是对日期和时间进行操作和计算的能力,例如格式化、解析以及添加或减去时间间隔。
