In this Document
Test Case Pre-requisites
Step 1: Receive The Item
Step 2: Run Cost Manager
Step 3: Create Accounting Entires
Step 4: Interface Inventory Transactions to Oracle Assets
Step 5: Create Asset in Oracle Fixed Assets
Oracle Asset Tracking - Version 12.1.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 30-Nov-2014***
To provide a test case example showing how to create an asset for a serialized depreciable item, which is received into a subinventory. It covers:
* Test Case Overview
* Test Case Pre-requisites
* Test Case Steps
* Further Reading
This article is intended for Asset Tracking implementers and/or Application Administrators for R12.
Test Case Overview
The following test case shows how to create an asset for a serialized depreciable item. Vision Operations will receive the item directly into a subinventory, it will be capitalized immediately as it is a depreciable item. Using Oracle Asset Tracking responsibility, inventory transaction will be interfaced to Oracle Assets and fixed asset will be created in FA and Item instance-Asset Tieback will be created. The test case will mainly cover the following business flows:
Test Case Pre-requisites
Complete all mandatory setup steps as per Test Case: How to Complete字符串函数模拟注册
Mandatory Setups For Oracle Asset Tracking [ID 1550972.1]
Create a serialized depreciable item as per Test Case: How to Create a Normal or Depreciable Item For Use in Oracle Asset Tracking [ID 1550969.1]
Test Case Steps
Instance: VISBDE07
Release: 12.1.3
User: operations
Step 1: Receive The Item
(R) Asset Tracking Super User(N) Inventory > Transactions > Miscellaneous Transaction
Created Misc Receipt transaction to receive a serialized depreciable item as shown below:
Main fields entered / actions performed are:
Inventory Organization = M1- Seattle Mfg
Type = Miscellaneous receipt
Click 'Transaction Lines' button
Subinventory = Mobile A
Quantity = 1
Account = 01-580-7740-0000-000
Click 'Lot/Serial' button
Start Serial Number = TC04, End Serial Number is defaulted to 'TC04'
Click Done button
Save & Approve
1) A new instance is created (instance number = 3441010) with Accounting
Classification = 'Inventory' and Operational Status Code = 'No Used' as shown below:
Step 2: Run Cost Manager
(R) Asset Tracking Super User
(N) Inventory > Setup > Transactions > Interface Managers
Ensured that Cost Manager is Active and scheduled to run. Waited till Cost Manager is launched and costed the receiving transaction.
1) Check the costed_flag value in mtl_material_transactions table to make sure that Cost Manager has costed the receiving transaction:
select *
from mtl_material_transactions
where inventory_item_id = 213955
and organization_id = 207
and subinventory_code = 'Mobile A';
Result: 1 new record is created for the misc. receipt transaction. The costed_flag is NULL (i.e. Cost Manager has costed these records correctly).
If costed_flag = 'N', that means transaction is waiting for Cost Manager to process it. Once processed, Cost Manager sets the costed_flag to null (i.e. costed) for material transactions. If it is 'E', that means Cost Manager has error costing this transaction. More troubleshooting steps can be found in How to resolve Pending or Error Cost Manager or Cost Worker [ID 748704.1]
Step 3: Create Accounting Entires
(R) Cost Management - SLA(N) SLA > Create Accounting
Verify that the misc. receipt transaction is accounted in sub-ledger accounting. Run the Oracle Cost Management program 'Create Accounting'.
'Create Accounting – Cost Management' program output shows the receiving transactions have been processed correctly (no errrors) and Accounting entries have been accounted as shown below:
Before interfacing the receiving transaction to Oracle Fixed Assets, the transaction has to be accounted by creating accounting entries so that 'Create Assets: Interface Inventory Transactions to Oracle Assets' can create mass addition records.
Step 4: Interface Inventory Transactions to Oracle Assets
