    English Response:
    1. Concatenating Text Strings Using the CONCATENATE Function.
    The CONCATENATE function in Excel allows you to combine multiple text strings into a single string. The syntax of the CONCATENATE function is as follows:
    CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ..., textn)。
    text1, text2, ..., textn are the text strings that you want to concatenate.
    For example, the following formula concatenates the text strings "Hello", " ", and "World!" into a single string:
    CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "World!")。
    The result of this formula is the string "Hello World!".
    2. Concatenating Text Strings Using the & Operator.
    In addition to the CONCATENATE function, you can also use the & operator to concatenate text strings. The & operator is simply a shortcut for the CONCATENATE function. For example, the following formula is equivalent to the CONCATENATE formula shown above:
    "Hello" & " " & "World!"
    The result of this formula is also the string "Hello World!".
    3. Concatenating Text Strings with Other Data Types.
    You can also concatenate text strings with other data types, such as numbers or dates. For example, the following formula concatenates the text string "The number is" with the number 123:
    "The number is" & 123。
    The result of this formula is the string "The number is 123".
    4. Concatenating Text Strings with Line Breaks.
excel连接字符串函数    If you want to include line breaks in your concatenated text string, you can use the CHAR(10) function. The CHAR(10) function inserts a line break into a text string. For example, the following formula concatenates the text strings "Hello" and "World!" with a line break in between:
    "Hello" & CHAR(10) & "World!"
    The result of this formula is the string:
    Chinese Response:
    1. 使用 CONCATENATE 函数连接文本字符串。
    Excel 中的 CONCATENATE 函数允许您将多个文本字符串组合成一个字符串。CONCATENATE 函数的语法如下:
    CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ..., textn)。
    text1、text2、...、textn 是您要连接的文本字符串。
    CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "World!")。
    此公式的结果是字符串“Hello World!”。
    2. 使用 & 运算符连接文本字符串。
    除了 CONCATENATE 函数外,您还可以使用 & 运算符连接文本字符串。& 运算符只是 C
ONCATENATE 函数的快捷方式。例如,以下公式等效于上面显示的 CONCATENATE 公式:
    "Hello" & " " & "World!"
    此公式的结果也是字符串“Hello World!”。
    3. 将文本字符串与其他数据类型连接。
    您还可以将文本字符串与其他数据类型(如数字或日期)连接。例如,以下公式将文本字符串“The number is”与数字 123 连接:
    "The number is" & 123。
    此公式的结果是字符串“The number is 123”。
    4. 使用换行符连接文本字符串。
    如果您要在连接的文本字符串中包含换行符,可以使用 CHAR(10) 函数。CHAR(10) 函数
