(教育部语言文字应用研究所, 北京, 100010)
[关键词]; 语言符号,任意性,层次性,非单元性,离散性,递归性,随机性,冗余性,
[摘  要]索绪尔曾经提出语言符号有任意性、线条性两个重要特性,自然语言处理的发展,使我们对于语言符号的这些特性的认识和理解更为丰富、更为深刻了。这是自然语言处理对传统的理论语言学提出的挑战。本文针对信息时代语言学的新发展,分析了索绪尔“线条性”的不足,并提出了语言符号应当具有层次性、非单元性、离散性、递归性、随机性、冗余性、模糊性等七个十分重要的特性。这七个特性再加上索绪尔提出的语言符号的任意性,构成了我们对语言符号的特性的新认识,即语言符号具有任意性、层次性、非单元性、离散性、递归性、随机性、冗余性、模糊性等共八个特性。我们应当修正索绪尔对于语言符号特性研究的旧理论,而代之以反映当前人类对自然语言符号认识水平的新理论。
[中图分类号][文献标识码]A  [文章编号]
On Eight Characteristics of the Linguistic Sign
FENG Zhi-wei
(Institute of Applied Linguistics, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100010, China)
Key words: l inguisitic sign, arbitrariness, stratification, non-neutrality, discreteness, recursiveness, stochastic, redundancy, fuzziness.
Abstract: Ferdinand de Saussure has proposed two characteristics of the linguistic sing. One is arbitrariness, the other is the linear nature of the signifier. The development of natural language processing not only enriches our knowledge and understanding of the linguistic sign but alos is a challenge for traditional theoretical linguistics. So a new theory of nature of the linguistic sign should be advanced. Besides the arbitrary nature proposed by Saussure, the author of this paper puts forward another 7 characteristics of the linguistic sign: stratification, non-monomialness, discreteness, recursiveness, stochastic, redundancy, fuzziness. In this way, we hope the old theory of the nature of the linguistic sign proposed by Saussure can be revised..
韩国科学技术院电子工程与计算机科学系教授,《中国语文》、《语言科学》、《语言文字应用》、《国际语料库语言学杂志(International Journal of Corpus Linguistics)》(英文版)编委。主要研究方向为计算语言学和应用语言学,发表中外文专著20多部,论文200余篇。
