2003.1  It pays to be honest
1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。
2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。
1999.1  Don’t hesitate to say “No”
19971 Practice Makes Perfect
1The well-known proverb “                            ”has long been accepted by all of us. It tells us that                                             .
2. There is a famous saying, “                            ”, which means that                                             . If you want to be successful, you should                                             .
3. “                            ” is well-known proverb which all of us are familiar with. It means that                                             .
4. Have you ever thought of the famous proverb “                            ”? To me, it indicates that                                             .
注意:1 有的谚语需要从正反两个方面来写,也就是说分别写谚语适用与不适用的情况。
ignore the waste behind you      第一段首先要引入谚语, 然后说明其有时适用,有时不适用。
When we talk of the famous proverbs “Silence is golden”, we should not simply label it as
right or wrong, but explore it in depth.
      2 有时我们不同意谚语所表述的观点,写作时应该按批驳类文章的模式来写。
There are numerous examples supporting this argument. / Many remarkable examples contribute to this argument.
1. Let’s take                       as an example.
  Another good case in point is                           .
2. A case in point is                           .
  When it comes to                       , it is also the case.
1. I fully agree with the proverb and its implication. In my mind, it can be justified in three respects. First,                    . Second,                     . Finally,                 .
2. In my opinion, the proverb is meaningful and significant in three respects. In the first place,                       . In the second place,                   . Last but not least,                     .
3. this proverb is especially true under three situations. First,                   . Second,                   .
Third,                       . Nevertheless, there are also some exceptions.
1. Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that                       . So why not                   ?
2. From what has been discussed above, we should understand the meaning of “             
              ” more clearly. On the one hand,               . On the other hand,                       . The best way is to                         .
3. We can learn a lot from this proverb and put it into practice. We should  
                            . Only by doing this can we                           .
4In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases                     . However, in certain circumstances,                         is the right choice.
Practice Makes Perfect
The well-known proverb “Practice makes perfect” has long been accepted by all of us. It tells us that we have to practice again and again whenever we want to be an expert in a special field.
Let’s take English study as an example. If you want to enlarge your vocabulary, you have to understand English words in the context and then learn them by heart. It is also true with English writing. Listening to teachers attentively in class and reciting sample articles are far from necessary ----- you should practice writing every week and then ask teachers to go over it.
Another good case in point is skating. Nobody is born a good skater, and one only become a skilled skater after countless falls and injuries. Every Chinese was excited when Yang Yang won the first Winter Olympics gold medal in Salt Lake City, but who knew what difficulties and hardships the girl had been through?
Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that practice makes perfect. So why not put what you are learning into practice? I am sure you will become experienced and skillful if you keep on doing it.
    _________________________________  (所给格言或谚语).  This  is  a  proverb  full  of logic. By this proverb, it is meant that ____________________________ (解释该格言或谚语的内涵).  In  other  words,  ______________________________  (换言之的解释).  Indeed,  we can learn many things from it.
