因为外研社杯演讲开头结尾ignore the waste behind you
1.A word that has changed the world
Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Today I would like to begin with an advertisement, “Here‘s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the trouble-makers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently, they’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things, they push the human race forward, And while some may see them as the crazy ones. We see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” This is Apple Think Different TV AD, which is Classic. And now, if I must choose a world as the one can change the world, it is “Apple”.
Steven Jobs, the visionary co-founder and former chief executive officer of the technology company Apple , has create a Series of iphone within 5 years , from 1 to 5, although 5 is still on the way, and there is the amazing point, those serious of iphone collect the luxuries
and ordinary people on one level. Ordinary people have known nothing about luxuries except skimming some information from such advertisement in the past, however , with iphone’s born, we have the chance to see such scene, some students call their mother said, “could you buy an iphone to me?” and the answer would be, “ok, darling, If you get good grades in final exam”, that dialogue is similar as asking for a new pen container ten years ago. Thanks to Steven jobs, for most people, the real luxury present in the real world not just the screen.
A picture, with hundreds of millions of crowed people, located in my geography’s book, those people even cannot move on smoothly under the title “Guangzhou railway station”. What a huge market. So, innovation is not only means product but also the market tendency, besides, reducing waste resources can also depends on such idea, which would be a big change for Social structure.
iphone make the existence of New challenges and market tendency possible.
True, Emergency situation exists, take China for example, the Gini Coefficient up to 0.48
according to the report in 2016, therefore, We cannot deny that Mr. Polarization become increasing fat with economy’s raise, without considering what the cost he should pay in recent years, which is harmful to our society. And now, the iphone is born in Apple Company as Weight division, so ordinary people can take a break finally. The other day, I read such a joke when I suffered the internet, almost everybody know the TV serial “ The age of naked marriage”, which is so romantic in our eyes, but the commentator said, boys and girls, do you really believe that you can meet such a wonderful marriage just like what the TV serial show? please focus your eyes on the hero and heroine, and you will find they both use iphone 4 under the name” poor couple”. I known the joke is not so funny when prepared with the reality, but What we learn from the joke is that the iphone is so popular among young people, even the ordinary people. We hope that iphone can spur up other luxuries enter the ordinary market as a low price, which will make it possible to shorten the Gap between high rank and low rank.
How to keep the ordinary people in touch the luxury? How to reduce the polarization of the world? How to make our society becomes more Harmonious? And now, iphone give t
he answer. I’m not sure that there will be more companies such as Grape, Orange, Mango, Peach or others in the future, but now it is Apple.
2.If I Had a Time Machine, I Would Travel to Tang Dynasty
My dear friend, last night I had a weird dream— I was knocked by a box named Pandora. I was so curious and eager to open it. To my surprise, nothing flied out but a sound “My girl, Here is an invisible time machine, it can fulfill your dream, tell me where you want to go. But the premise is to convince me of your reason, if succeed, just travel" Ok, please be my judges and you will get something unexpected.
If I had a time machine, I would choose Tang dynasty to enjoy my time because I can be both physically and mentally healthy.
To start with, being the centre of the world at that time, Tang dynasty was culturally liberal and free. People around the world come to the capital city to admire her positive spirit, indulgent, and comprehensive culture. Now it is time to get to know their values and how
different cultures affect people’s thinking patterns. Once we are aware of the skills of intercultural communication, we will not get confused by some intercultural cases. Instead we have an overview of the situation and truly take hold of it. With the awe for culture diversity, we can’t help but show respect to their culture, Compared with ours; we probably learn something special and meaningful to add to1
our culture, which promotes the culture integration in return.In such a way we broaden you horizon and expand our world.
