Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)
Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?
A. ancient            B. basic            C. nature            D. habit
27. The genius boy, Laurent Simons, went to _______ college at the age of twelve.
A. a                B. the              C. an                D. /
28. Sometimes people can use body language to express more _________.
A. idea              B. news            C. information        D. message
29. According to experts, the first case of novel coronavirus(新冠病毒)occurred _________ December 2019.
A. in                B. by                C. at                D. on
30. I don’t like the shop assistant. _________ always persuades customers to buy his products.
A. He              B. His              C. Himself            D. Him
31. I share my difficulties as well as happiness _________ my best friend, Linda.
A. for              B. to                C. with                D. at
32. Alice has read several books, but _________ of them has the information she is looking for.
A. all              B. both              C. neither              D. none
33. The music sounds _________. You should turn off the radio so as not to disturb others.
A. loudly            B. terrible            C. gently              D. wonderful
34. At first, the virus(病毒)spread much _________ than people thought.
A. fast              B. faster              C. fastest              D. the fastest
35. The robot can serve customers in restaurants. _________ quickly the technology develops!
A. How            B. What a            C. What an              D. What
36. To keep safe, the doctors _________ take all the passengers’ temperature at the entrance.
ignore the waste behind youA. must            B. can                C. may                D. need
37. The movie didn’t attract many people at first, _________ it turned out to be a great success at last.
A. so              B. or                C. but                  D. for
38. Students from other schools can’t borrow books in our library _________ they fill in an application card.
A. if              B. unless              C. now that            D. as soon as
39. The 10th China flower expo _________ in Chongming Island from March to July in 2021.
A. was held          B. will be held          C. is held            D. has been held
40. Chris _________ his seat belt before his father asked him to do so.
A. fastened          B. fastens              C. had fastened        D. will fasten
41. Kitty’s mother often makes her _________ up early to walk the dog in their neighborhood.
A. to get            B. get                C. getting              D. got
42. I advised Joe to keep _________ regularly in order to lose weight.
A. to exercise          B. exercised            C. exercises            D. exercising
43. -- _________ did our class teacher praise John just now/
  -- She praised him for his honesty. He found 500 yuan in the garden and handed it in.
A. How              B. What                C. Where              D. Why
44. -- Thank you for looking after my pet dog for a whole week.
  -- _________.
A. Not at all.        B. That’s very kind of you.    C. No, thanks.        D. See you then.
45. -- _________.  --- Come on! You can do a good job as long as you don’t give up.
A. I want to find a job in the company        B. I’m sorry I’ve made a mistake
C. I don’t think I can finish the work.          D. Can you tell me how to find a job?
Ⅲ. complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
A. experiments      B. harmful        C. value        D. designed      E. finally
Scientists have invented a font(字体)called Sans Forgetica. It is back-slanted(反斜的)and there are openings in each letter. So what’s the __46__ of this reader-unfriendly font?
In fact, Sans Forgetica is the first font which is __47__ to help people remember things. Its designer Steven Brian said, “The unexpected obstacles(障碍)slow your reading speed down. They make your brain work harder. It should be easier for you to remember what you are doing.” Scientists have tested Sans Forgetica on 4,400 students in online __48__. They said they were satisfied with the result.
