摘 要:
设计一种基于PLC的步进电机控制系统, 通过微型变速箱将步进电机角位移转化为直线位移, 进而带动直线
三菱plc字符串截取伸缩机构运行。该系统结构简单、性能稳定、经济价值和使用效果突出, 能够满足毫米级精确位移的使用需求。
关键词: PLC; 步进电机; 驱动器; 脉冲;方向。
Abstract: A kind of stepmo tor contro l system is designed based on PLC, which translates the angu lar
displacement of the stepmo tor to linear d isplacement bym in igearbox, and consequent ly drives the linear flex iblefram e
work. The system canmeet the requ irement ofm illimeter level and has the character istics o f simple configuration, steady
performance, good f inanc ial va lue and feasib ility.
Key words: PLC; step motor; drive; Pulse; direction。