【STAAD】GS. Load Types in STAAD.Pro
ignore subsequent bad blocksSeveral load cases may be created for a structure and each load case may contain several individual load specifications. Load cases may also be created by combining several existing load cases. A load case consisting of explicitly defined loads is called a Primary Load Case. A load case which combines the results of previously defined cases is called a Combination Load Case.
Tip: Here, we wish to introduce you to some of the load terminology and types used in STAAD.Pro. These concepts are critical in understanding how to correctly model loads on a structure.
在这里我们要介绍的一些术语和类型STAAD. 这些概念对于理解如何正确地模拟结构上的荷载至关重要。
Primary Load Cases
A primary load case is a set of explicitly defined loads, presumably from the same physical source, which will be passed to the analysis engine during the analysis of the model. Each of these explicitly defined loads is referred to as a Load Item.
大型模型可以包含多个荷载工况,这些工况本身不需要进行分析,只是包含在主要荷载工况中的构件。为此,可定义参考荷载。这类似于Repeat Load命令,但它的另一个好处是不能自行解决。
在这里我们要介绍的一些术语和类型STAAD. 这些概念对于理解如何正确地模拟结构上的荷载至关重要。
In the STAAD input file, a primary load case is indicated by the LOAD n command.
Refer to TR.32 Loading Specifications for details.
Some examples of where a primary load case would be used are:
∙ All dead load on a structure. 结构上的所有恒载。
∙ The reducible live load on an office building. 办公楼的可减少活荷载。
∙ The easterly wind load. 风荷载。
∙ The dead and live composite load on a pedestrian bridge. 人行天桥上的静荷载和活荷载。
∙ The superimposed dead load on a post-tensioned floor. 后张楼板上的叠加恒载。
Load Combinations荷载组合
A load combination is a set of load results which are combined algebraically to produce a
superimposed set of results for post-processing. Therefore, a load combination instructs the program to take the results of previously solved primary load cases, factor them appropriately, and combine the values using Algebraic, SRSS or Absolute methods.
In the STAAD input file, a load combination is indicated by the LOAD COMBINATION n command.、
在STAAD输入文件中,加载组合由load combination n命令指示。
Refer to TR.35 Load Combination Specification for details.
Reference Loads
Large models can include multiple load cases which do not require analysis in their own right and are simply the building blocks for inclusion in primary load cases. Reference Loads may be defined for this purpose. This is similar to a Repeat Load command, but has the added benefit of not being solved in its own right.
大型模型可以包含多个荷载工况,这些工况本身不需要进行分析,只是包含在主要荷载工况中的构件。为此,可定义参考荷载。这类似于Repeat Load命令,但它的另一个好处是不能自行解决。
This converts a real load case to something similar to a load case definition. A reference load case is solved only when it is later called in a load case. The benefit is that it enables you to define as many load cases as you wish, but instruct the program to actually solve only a limited number of "real" load cases, thus limiting the amount of results to be examined.
Refer to TR.33 Reference Load Cases - Application for details.
Notional Loads
A number of design codes require that a notional load be considered. Typically, this is defined lateral load equal to a percentage of the gravity loads. STAAD.Pro uses a feature similar to a the Repeat Load, but one that Primary and /or Reference load cases can be selected and a percentage of them can be applied in the appropriate global direction at each framing level.
These lateral loads are a requirement for some design codes (e.g., AISC 360-10).
一些设计规范(如AISC 360-10)要求这些侧向荷载。
Refer to TR.32.14 Notional Loads for details.
Load Lists
A load list is primarily used to specify a list of existing load cases and load combinations to be used for subsequent processes, such as design, printing, etc.
Refer to TR.39 Load List Specification for details.
Load Envelopes
Load Envelopes are a means for clustering a set of load cases under a single moniker (number). If one or more tasks have to be performed for a set of load cases (such as, serviceability checks under steel design for one set of load cases, strength checks under steel design for another set of cases, etc.) this feature is convenient.