(  )1、A、board    B、pink      C、black        D、white
(  )2、A、bike    B、cat        C、train        D、car
(  )3、A、apple    B、ruler        C、orange        D、banana
(  )4、A、bag      B、duck      C、turtle        D、crocodile
(  )5、A、milk      B、book      C、pencil        D、pen
1.bookcase_______        2. watch______
3. fifteen ______          4. robot ______
5. camera _______        6. cousin _______
7. kick _______          8. juice_______
9. bread_______          10.mat_______
1.风筝(i e k t)________    2.牛奶(l i m k)____________
3.鸭子(u k d c) ________      4.公园  (r k a p)_____________
5. 米饭(r c e i) ________      6.手表 (t w c h a)____________
7.机器人(o r o b t)_______    8.洋娃娃(o l d l)_________
9.蜘蛛(i s r p d e)________    10.汉堡(u e r r b g)__________
11.西瓜(r a t e w e n l o m)____________
12.牛仔裤(e j a n s)_____________
13.眼镜( s s g a l)_________    14.山羊(a t o g)________
15.绵羊 (e e s h p)________    16.蜥蜴(d l z i a r)_______
17.奶牛( w o c)________    18.鸡蛋(g e g)_______
19.面包( a b e r d)________    20.橱柜(u c p b a o r d)________
(  )1. Hello ,I ____ Stella Star .      A. is    B. am    C. are
(  )2.This ____ Marie.              A. is    B. am    C. Are
(  )3.These ____ pink dolls.          A. is    B. am    C. are 
(  )4.Is there a computer ?                     
    A. Yes, it is.  B. No, there is.    C. Yes, there is. 
(  )5. --Whats that in the toy box? -- Its_____ book.     
  A. Simon      B. Simons    C. he 
(  )6. I______ walk , but I_______ fly.     
  A. Cant, cant.    B. can, can  C. can, cant
(  )7. - Whose jacket is it?  -Its ___.     
  A. mine    B. my  C. me 
(  )8. –What’s Alex doing?_____ hitting the ball.     
  A. Theyre  B. Shes  C. Hes
(  )9.He ___ ___ a bookcase.     
  A. has got  B. have got  C. having got
(  )10. __________?--I am watching TV.     
  A. What are doing you?        B. What are you doing?       
  C. What doing are you? 
(    )11.Where is the phone?     
  A.Its mine.    B.On the desk.    C.Its blue.
(    )12.What are you doing?       
A.Im cleaning.  B.I can clean.  C.Yes, Im.
(    )13.What’s this?       
A.Its a lorry.    B.Theyre lorries.  C.Im driving the lorry.
(    )14,How many books are there?       
A.They are green books.  B.There are eleven.  C.In the desk.
(    ) 1. What are you doing?                A. Fine, thank you.
(    ) 2. What’s your name?                B. Yes, here you are. 
(    ) 3. How are you?                    C. My name’s John.
(    ) 4. Are there books in the bookcase?      D. I’m swimming.
(  ) 5. Can I have some bread?                  E. Yes,there are.
  Hello, my name’s Suzy. I have got a beautiful house. There’s a big  brown sofa and a TV in the living room. My living room’s very clean. There’s an orange clock in the kitchen. It’s nice .There is a green mirror in the bathroom. My bedroom is pink, but Simon’s bedroom is blue. I like my bedroom, because I like pink.
(    ) 1. This is Meeras house.
字符串截取到倒数第二个指定字符 (      )  2. Theres a big brown sofa in the living room.
(      ) 3. The clock is purple.
(      ) 4. A purple mirror in the bathroom.
(      ) 5. Simons bedroom is blue.
(      )6. My bedrooms pink.
1. 裙子__________  2.  I  love  apples. _____________________ 
3. 商店__________    4.  Here  you  are. _____________________  5. 桔子__________    6.  play  basketball____________________
7.青蛙_________    8.  at  the  beach_______________________
9. 柠檬汁________  10.  So  do  I. _________________________
