1。Swift Code
SWIFT是“Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会”的英文简称。
凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE。SWIFT地址是一个8或11位的字符串,是一个银行在国际上的识别号码。SWIFT地址又被称为BIC(银行识别码)。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。
SWIFT的编号规则一般是8位或11位,前四位为某银行代码,如中行是BKCH 农行是ABOC,紧接着四位是国别及地区代码,如中国北京是CNBJ,后面可能会有3位的数字或字母代码,一般是指具体的分支行。
统一的格式,如:BKCH CN BJ 110
SWIFT是“Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会”的英文简称。
凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE。SWIFT地址是一个8或11位的字符串,是一个银行在国际上的识别号码。SWIFT地址又被称为BIC(银行识别码)。该号相当于各个银行的身份证号。
SWIFT的编号规则一般是8位或11位,前四位为某银行代码,如中行是BKCH 农行是ABOC,紧接着四位是国别及地区代码,如中国北京是CNBJ,后面可能会有3位的数字或字母代码,一般是指具体的分支行。
统一的格式,如:BKCH CN BJ 110
各行的Swift Code可以在上面网站上查到:
City heading(城市名称);
BIC code Institution(银行名)
Branch name(分行、支行名称)
国内的可以在BIC code institution 里:
输入 BKCHCNBJ 查中国银行各城市详细SWIFT。
输入 ICBKCNBJ 查中国工商银行各城市详细SWIFT。
输入 CMBCCNBS 查招商银行各城市详细SWIFT。
输入 PCBCCNBJ 查中国建设行各城市详细SWIFT。
输入 SZDBCNBS 查广东发展银行各城市详细SWIFT。
在BIC code institution里输入BKCH就可以。CITY(城市)不用写(如果是其它省的话就要写了),country选择HONG KONG 就能查到了。我查的就是这个,虽然我们的开户行是一个小分行,但是查询的结果和打电话去银行问来的SWIFT CODE都一样是:BKCHHKHH,也就是BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED香港总行的SWIFT CODE。
IBAN 是指国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)安装其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应杜IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。 IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。
国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)安装其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应杜IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。 IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。
国际银行标准账号(IBAN)不仅包括了收款人的帐号, 同时还包含了收款人银行的信息,使用国际银行标准账号便于汇款准确抵达收款人银行,在欧元区汇欧元国际银行标准账号(IBAN)是必须的,另外一些国家的 银行对不提供IBAN的非欧元汇款也要加收手续费。目前英国还不是欧元国家,向英国汇款不是必须有国际银行标准账号。但如果没有这一帐号,
最好提供汇入行 的SORTING CODE(IBAN中包含了这一代码),这样可以加快收款速度。当然如果您是通过国内中国银行向英国的中国银行汇款,也可仅提供收款人的姓名和账号。不过 如果能有IBAN是最好的,IBAN一般在银行对帐单上都有显示,如不清楚,可向开户银行询问。
IBAN and SWIFT address or BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
2008年01月10日 星期四 19:14
ISO 9362 (also known as SWIFT-BIC, BIC code or SWIFT code) is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for ... /wiki/ISO_9362
This identification method was recognised by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). This is a specialized international agency which co-ordinates the development of standards for a broad range of business activities. SWIFT is the designated registration authority for the assignment of BICs (ISO 9362) and for the publication of BICs in the BIC Directory. This Directory lists both SWIFT BICs (BICs for SWIFT users) and non-SWIFT BICs (BICs for non-SWIFT users). Non-SWIFT BICs can be used when having to refer to a non-SWIFT user in the text of financial messages. BICs are meant for universal usage and not just on the SWIFT network. The anatomy of a BIC
BICs either have 8 or 11 characters. Please note the following: Branches which are identified by an 11-character BIC neither have a SWIFT interface nor do they have a direct connection to the SWIFT network. They use the SWIFT interface and SWIFT network connection of the institution with the corresponding 8-character BIC. In this case, BANKCCLLMAR is sending and receiving SWIFT messages through BANKCCLL. More definitions ∙BIC8: A bank identifier code composed of 8 characters, representing the following three components: bank code, country code and location code. ∙BIC11: A bank identifier code composed of 11 characters, representing the following four components: bank code, country code, location code and branch code. ∙BIC1: A bank identifier code composed of 8 or 11 characters identifying an entity not connected to SWIFT. As a result, a BIC1 cannot be used in a SWIFT message header to identify the sender or the receiver of the message. But BIC1s registered by SWIFT and published in the BIC Directory can be used in the text of a SWIFT message to unambiguously identify a third party. ∙Branch codes: A three-character code used in a bank identifier code to identify a specific branch or department of an institution in the financial services industry. The branch code is assigned by SWIFT, which is the BIC registration authority designated by ISO. The three-character code is added to the eight characters of the BIC8. ∙Service codes: A service code (also known as’ Value Added Service’ code) composed of three letters (e.g. ART) indicates that the institution is a direct participant in the RTGS system. A service code of two letters plus a plus sign (e.g. AR+) indicates that the institution is addressable in TARGET but is not a direct participant in the RTGS system concerned. The SWIFT address or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters long international standard uniquely identifying a financial institution. The BIC is needed even if IBAN is provided. 信用证的SWIFT电文格式
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