Client base knowledge - the file interpretation in DBC
DBC, basic knowledge, client, file, interpretation
This post hides the content that needs to be returned to be able to browse
Achievement.dbc records the details of achievements -- names, descriptions, and so forth
Achievement_Category. The classification of DBC achievement [like: "classic old world", "task", "the battlefield", "honor kill", "fight," consumables "...]
Achievement_Criteria. DBC records the achievement requirement
Animationdata.dbc is a sequence of actions and actions
AreaTable DBC area table, recorded the information of small area - name, scope, such as [such as "nai xin in mogget rosh expedition camp", "fortress" and
The AreaTrigger. DBC sends point coordinates
BankBagSlotPrices. DBC opens the bank's column price
Barbershopsty.dbc hair style
Battlemasterlist.dbc battlefield, arena type
Cfg_Categories. DBC records the various service areas of WOW. [it's also a 10-zone, netease, 3.13.]
The DBC, which has a Char header, records the characters' faces, hairstyles, hair color, skin color, features [beards, earrings] and so on
CharSections. DBC roles map files
Charstartorg.dbc's equipment at birth
Chartit.dbc roles can get the general category of titles
ChatChannels. DBC system default channel total category
ChatProfanity. DBC sensitive words [open filter to display into! @ # $$those words]
Chrclass.dbc professional general category
Chrin.dbc all RACES [including but not limited to players]
CinematicCamera. DBC each race race introduced born lens [for example, you built a human, there was a guy behind the nagging human origins, specialty, characteristic and so on, and at the same time, the lens from the storm city road to the north county, introduced the last sentence, the lens has just to go to you, is the record of this stuff]
CreatureDisplayInfo. DBC and CreatureDisplayInfoExtra. DBC has two records of the biological ID, model, texture, and equipment. It takes a lot of work to make the connection clear. There is a detailed description of the model area
The type of creaturefamily.dbc biology belongs to the category of the beast, the Family is the unique attribute of the beast, the "creature" in this particular beast.
Creaturemodeldata.dbc biometric information
Creaturesounddata.dbc biovoice path
Creaturespelldata.dbc creature's spell information
Creaturetype.dbc biological type [human type, undead, beast, ]
Currencycategories. Large categories of currency for DBC
The name Emotes. DBC
Emotestext.dbc's action command [/ dance, / ]
EmotesTextData. Hints of DBC motion text [general points that several: you see, what did A to B, A for what you did, what someone has done for you, what did you do to someone, what did you do to yourself]
EmotesTextSound. What is the sound of a DBC emoji
Burnout. DBC players' resting state and the benefits of being in this state of the income reduction (energy, normal, fatigue 1, fatigue 2, Exhaustion, comrade-in-arms recruitment)
The DBC records all the camps in WOW [name, camp ID, and so on]
Factiongroup-dbc camp classifies [players, alliances, tribes, monsters]
The name of the opening animation of filedata.dbc
Gameobjectartkit.dbc flagpole [the battlefield, the flag of the union, the flag of the horde, the flag of contention, the flag of etc.]
Gameobjectdisplayinfo.dbc game's object look [object is the display of WOW, such as a magic book, etc]
GameTables. DBC formula table game [for example, the resistance of the setting, the experience level need, NPC mana cost ratio, etc. The relating to all kinds of formula in the game]
The "tips" on the Loading strip when the characters are logged in
GMSurveyAnswers. DBC
Gmtickettaxonom.dbc relates to the problem categories of GM
GroundEffectDoodad. DBC surface model
GroundEffectTexture. The texture of the surface model of the DBC
The price of gtBarberShopCostBase
Holidays.dbc holiday description
Holidaynames.dbc holiday name, ID
Holidays. DBC holiday Settings
General assembly of items
ItemBagFamily. DBC items can be placed in packages [by the properties of the package, arrows, soul fragments, possessed materials, ]
Itemclass.dbc article categories [weapons, armor, recipes, the one that was used when I was browsing through AH]
ItemCondExtCosts. DBC, ItemExtendedCost. DBC items are sold and purchased
ItemDisplayInfo. DBC material appearance ItemGroupSounds. DBC
ItemPetFood. DBC pet food category
