To Be Covered
Some basic concepts of solid model (Data types) Geometric elements
Two solid model representation schemes Graph-based model
Boolean model
Some solid modelling methods
Basic Concepts of Solid Model
A solid model has two important sets of information: geometry and topology
The geometry is a group of geometric elements: faces, edges, and vertices.
truncated 带whereA face/edge is governed by its mathematical equations
A vertex is specified by its coordinates(x, y, z).
The topology specifies the relationship or connectivity among the geometric elements
A solid model is bounded by its faces;
A face is bounded by its edges;
An edge is bounded by two vertices.
An Example
Representation Schemes: Graph-Based Models Has topological structure, with data pointers linking together an object’s faces, edges, and vertices.
A solid object: a list of the object’s faces and their respective
surface equations.
The edges of these faces: curve equations, with pointers to their end-point vertices and adjoining faces.
The vertices: lists of coordinates, with pointers to the edges
meeting at each vertex.
Two kinds of information –the pointers defining the topology or connectivity between vertices, edges, and faces and numerical data defining curve and surface equations and vertex coordinates.