1. The company still uses antiquated machinery that was popular decades ago.公司仍然使用几十年前流行的陈旧机械。
2. Her style of dressing is quite antiquated, with long skirts and high collars.她的穿衣风格相当古老,穿着长裙和高领衫。truncated 翻译
3. The antiquated computer system can no longer handle the demands of modern technology.这个陈旧的电脑系统已经无法应对现代技术的要求。
4. Some traditional teaching methods are seen as antiquated in today's educational landscape.如今,一些传统的教学方法被视为过时。
5. The city council is working to replace the antiquated infrastructure with modern facilities.市议会正在努力用现代设施取代陈旧的基础设施。
6. The antiquated rules of the organization are hindering progress and innovation.这家组织的陈旧规定妨碍了进步和创新。
7. The antiquated language used in the document made it difficult to understand.文件中使用的陈旧语言使得理解起来很困难。
8. Many people still hold on to antiquated beliefs and customs, despite the changing times.尽管时代在变化,很多人仍然坚持着陈旧的信仰和习俗。
