Defect Terms Defect Terms from
Cosmetic Treatment
•Cold shut冷隔/缺肉/欠铸Misrun缺肉/缺料•Recessed area 缺肉Poured short 未浇满/缺肉(misnm)•Concave凹面/缺肉Run out多肉/多料
•Metallic projection 多肉Raised area 多肉
•Bulge/convex 凸面/多肉Failed to grind evenly with sand paper after patching 未砂平
•Al-patching agent (by me)铝修补剂Short shot 短压射•Gage blush 浇口红?
•Over-flow running 余根Parting line mismatch 分行线错位
•It is easier to stick mould 粘模Mold-sticking (I used it for Patrick )粘模
•Drag issue/dragging 拉模/拉模问题Drag from the mold is leaving a ridge inside the hole(from Imperial)拉模-孔内留下起皱不平
•The core portion 中心部位of the mold that forms the
0.75”(19mm) thru-hole 通孔直径in the center of the part is
dragging when the part is ejected from the mold, (from
Imperial)产品脱模后形成拉模The aluminum liquid
temperature in holding furnace (保温炉)
•Cracks in the surface of the end-head wall, on both sides of the wall.
•Die-line模具龟裂痕(由于模具的龟裂痕才产生了产品表面的龟裂纹that learned it from Wangjicheng)About half of the parts are shiny and have no die Jine•模具龟裂痕
•  A very marked die-line^ with superficial cracks.带有浅裂纹的一条明显的模具龟裂痕Break corner 缺角
•And the deep step 尖角的台阶(枕位)on the tool is based on your drawing.
•No check tooling temperature 没有检查模具温度Not allow this dimension to get worse as casting tool
wears 模具磨损throughout future orders
truncated 翻译
Defect Terms from Machining
机加中的缺陷术语Hot tearing 热
•Poor fill不良充填Gate flash(mold gating flash)浇口披峰•Draw marks 拉痕Part warpage产品扭曲/热变形
•Total Indicated Runout(TIR)偏差量Cannot get stop when checking with NO GO gage 止规
止不住To fail to stop NO GO gage 止规止不住•Cannot go through with GO gage 通规通不过To fail to pass GO gage 通规通不过
•Extension arm scratched 连接臂刮花Head pivot stud is deflected 偏离
•Raised material 凸起的物质(metallic projection 多肉/压铸缺陷)Recessed material 凹下的物质
•Turnup 卷边/指一个缺陷(but curling is a process
step)Rough edge 毛边
•Part are twisted—— twisted frame 零件弯曲A few degrees out of specification 轻度超差
•The key-way is just a few degrees out of specification 键槽轻度超差More bracketss that have crack 裂缝in the frame.
Some of the brackets are cracked and have fallen apart before we even removed from the boxes.
•Loose shavings 切削Chips碎片
•Debris 碎削Wood shavings 刨花
•Iron shavings 铁切肖UAl shaving 铝削
•Flatness is out of specification 平面度超差Weld spatters 焊接飞溅
•Welding residue 焊接渣滓Incomplete fusion welding 未焊透
•Weld appearance 焊接外观Chamfer not machined properly 倒角机加不良
•Roxanne: Did you start machining this part on a different CNC machine(suggested by Jim Holich) or at least use a more robust indexer/ part fixturing?
•Crossbar 安装条can not be go through monitor rib & nut plate.安装条不能穿过平安板孔The parts are twisting up at the ends(see picture by Kalisa) 产品的两端上翘
•Fan is cracked and wobble 摇晃Warped/bent/twisted 弯曲(的几种说法)
•Twisting up 上翘(the part was twisting up for both ends)The parts are wobble 摇晃and cracked (from Imperial)
•No check and record actual temperature for melting temperature.
•Out of specification, continue to produce without action.•Only check one parameter for die-casting though have defined many key parameter every day.
•The .014^(0.36mm) true position requirement (位置度要求)for the 271-264 holes measured over limit (超上差)on 4 of 8
sample. 0153 to 0194.
•The 5.299 bolt circle (分度圆)measured under limit (偏下差)on 4 of 5samples at 5.2226-5.2238.
•The circle shape is jagged (from AMD)圆形(外观)是凹凸不平的The 5.525-5.521 pilot (止口)measured under limit on 5 of 5samples at 5.5200 to 5.5206
•The 1.5751-1.5745 bore measured under limit 1 of 5samples at 1.5744.
•Bracket has a nick along the edge在支架的缘边上有个缺口Mismatch (dislocation)错位
•Metallic projection 多肉缺陷Faces (柱)are out of paralleTIR TIR= Total Indicated Runout (总体指示)偏差量•This surface will be used in the machining process as a locating
