Week Content of Teaching Hours 1Introduction4 Introduction to Lists
2Doubly-linked lists and Arrays6 Introduction to Costs and Orders
Different types of Orders
3Practical:Implementing lists4 Examples and summary of costs and orders
4No classes0
5Practical:Reversing a list,and converting between im-plementations of different list types.
Bubble Sort
6Practical:Sorting;Bubble Sort6 Quicksort,Merge sort;including costs
Radix sort,Heapsort.Summary of sorting
7Practical:Sorting;Merge Sort and Quicksort4 Hash Tables
8Practical:Hash Tables6 Stacks;FIFO and FILO
Introduction to Trees
9No classes0 10Practical:Stacks6 Binary Trees
Balancing Trees
11Practical:Trees4 Red-black Trees
12Practical:Red-black Trees and Heapsort6 Introduction to Graphs
Uses of Graphs
13Practical:Graph formats4 Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms
truncate多张表加逗号吗14Practical:Minimal Spanning Trees6 Dijkstra’s algorithm
Importance of right data structures
15Practical:Dijkstra’s Algorithm4 Dynamic Programming;what,when and how
16Practical:Dynamic Programming6 Introduction to Complexity Theory
Revision,questions and summary of the course.
