    1. Commas are used to separate items in a list. For example, "I bought apples, oranges, and bananas at the grocery store." This helps to clarify each item and make the sentence easier to read. It's a simple way to organize information without using conjunctions or other connecting words.
    2. Commas can also be used to set off introductory phrases or clauses. This adds emphasis to the main part of the sentence. For example, "After finishing my homework, I went out to play." The comma separates the introductory phrase "After finishing my homework" from the main clause "I went out to play." This helps to indicate a pause and highlight the main action.
    3. In dialogue, commas are used to indicate a pause or change in tone. For example, "I can't believe you did that, seriously?" The comma after "that" indicates a pause in the speaker's thought process. It adds a conversational tone and helps to convey the speaker's emotions or disbelief.
    4. Commas are used to separate coordinate adjectives. These are adjectives that equally modify a noun. For example, "She wore a beautiful, elegant dress to the party." The comma separates the coordinate adjectives "beautiful" and "elegant." This helps to clarify that both adjectives are modifying the noun "dress" and not each other.
    5. Commas are used to separate a direct quotation from the rest of the sentence. For example, "He said, 'I'll be there in five minutes.'" The comma indicates the end of the introductory phrase "He said" and separates it from the direct quotation. This helps to distinguish the speaker's words from the rest of the sentence.
    6. In compound sentences, commas are used before coordinating conjunctions to separate independent clauses. For example, "I studied for the test, but I still didn't do well." The comma before "but" separates the two independent clauses "I studied for the test" and "I still didn't do well." This helps to clarify the relationship between the clauses and make the sentence easier to understand.
    7. Commas are used to set off nonessential information or appositives. For example, "M
y friend, who is a doctor, gave me some medical advice." The commas set off the nonessential information "who is a doctor." This helps to provide additional information about the friend but is not necessary for the sentence's main meaning.
    8. In dates, commas are used to separate the day of the month from the year. For example, "Today is June 15, 2022." The comma separates the day "June 15" from the year "2022." This helps to clarify the date and make it easier to read.
    9. Commas are used to separate contrasting elements or ideas. For example, "She was tired, yet she continued to work." The comma before "yet" separates the contrasting ideas "She was tired" and "she continued to work." This helps to emphasize the contrast and make the sentence more impactful.
    10. In addresses, commas are used to separate different elements. For example, "123 Main Street, New York, NY." The commas separate the street address "123 Main Street" from the city "New York" and the state "NY." This helps to clearly indicate the different parts of the address.
