hadoop 临时文件回收机制
    Hadoop provides a mechanism for recovering temporary files that are created during the execution of MapReduce jobs. These temporary files are used to store intermediate data that is generated during the map and reduce phases of the job. By default, Hadoop will delete these temporary files once the job has completed successfully. However, if the job fails or is interrupted, the temporary files may be left behind on the Hadoop cluster.
    To prevent these orphaned temporary files from accumulating on the cluster, Hadoop provides a mechanism for recovering them. This mechanism is based on the use of a temporary file recovery directory. When a MapReduce job is started, Hadoop creates a temporary file recovery directory on the local filesystem of the jobtracker. This directory is used to store the temporary files that are created during the execution of the job.
truncated file    If the job fails or is interrupted, the jobtracker will attempt to recover the temporary files fro
m the temporary file recovery directory. The jobtracker will do this by scanning the directory for files that have the same name as the temporary files that were created during the execution of the job. If the jobtracker finds a matching file, it will copy the file to the jobtracker's local filesystem and then delete the file from the temporary file recovery directory.
    Once the jobtracker has recovered the temporary files, it will attempt to restart the job. The job will be restarted from the point at which it failed or was interrupted.
    The temporary file recovery mechanism is a valuable feature that can help to prevent the accumulation of orphaned temporary files on the Hadoop cluster. This mechanism can also help to improve the performance of Hadoop jobs by reducing the amount of time that is spent restarting jobs that have failed or been interrupted.
